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Darmstadt coach Lieberknecht satisfied with training camp

SV Darmstadt 98's first training camp has left a positive impression on the staff. Further new additions are set to arrive soon.

Darmstadt coach Torsten Lieberknecht before the game.
Darmstadt coach Torsten Lieberknecht before the game.

Bundesliga 2 - Darmstadt coach Lieberknecht satisfied with training camp

Torsten Lieberknecht drew a positive conclusion from the first training camp of SV Darmstadt 98 at Lautenbach in Baden-Württemberg. "Our training camp was great. The boys brought it every day on stage," said the Lilien-Coach on Friday.

The content of the training camp was a mix of running drills and many football-related contents. The focus was also on the integration of the new personnel. The week in Lautenbach ran very harmoniously and goal-oriented. "I have noticed that a very good team spirit has already formed at this extremely early stage," said Lieberknecht.

The team facilitated the integration of the newcomers. This speaks for the team. "At the same time, it's also a positive attribute of the boys who have joined us that they integrate quickly. Both sides are important," said the 50-year-old coach.

A chess move was the pre-camp room assignment draw. "And every day all were again healthy at the breakfast table in the morning," joked Lieberknecht. Despite the already numerous newcomers, the personnel planning at the Bundesliga relegated team is not yet completed, shared the coach.

Press release

  1. The newcomers to SV Darmstadt 98 had an excellent opportunity for integration during the team's training camp in Hesse, situated in Baden-Württemberg.
  2. Lieberknecht commended the team's spirit, stating that a strong team unity was already forming, even at the beginning of the training camp.
  3. Torsten Lieberknecht highlighted the importance of both the team's facilitation of integration and the newcomers' swift adaptation to the Bundesliga 2 club, SV Darmstadt 98.
  4. Although the training camp for SV Darmstadt 98 in Lautenbach was a great success, the team coach, Lieberknecht, mentioned that there are still more newcomers to be integrated considering the club's position in Bundesliga 2.
  5. SV Darmstadt 98 has shown signs of strong teamwork and cohesion during the Bundesliga 2 side's training camp in Baden-Württemberg, with Coach Lieberknecht expressing his satisfaction with the team's progress in both integration and soccer skills.

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