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Dangerous situations

320 apartments on 20 floors - in a Duisburg neighborhood stands a enormous high-rise building. DHL express service had such bad experiences with residents there that they are pulling the emergency brake.

At this building, DHL service provider no longer delivers packages due to concerns for the safety...
At this building, DHL service provider no longer delivers packages due to concerns for the safety of their employees.

Packages - Dangerous situations

Concerned about the safety of its employees, DHL no longer delivers packages to a Duisburg high-rise building. A DHL spokesperson stated that the delivery situation was "not acceptable" for the employees. "There have been repeatedly threatening delivery situations," she said, without providing details. Previously, the "WAZ" and WDR reported on this. The building, known as the "White Giant," has 320 apartments on 20 floors.

According to the Duisburg Police, the number of reports filed at the address this year was low in relation to the high population density. There is no security issue, a police spokesperson said. "The numbers, data, and facts don't show that." However, she acknowledged that there is a "gray area" - potential crimes where victims do not file a report.

In the Post Delivery category, there have been three reports of theft at the building this year: one for the theft of a letter from a mailbox and one for the theft of a package from a delivery vehicle. In the third report, a delivery person stated that a package had been stolen. However, according to the police spokesperson, it was later discovered that the delivery person may have misplaced the package himself.

Nationwide unique

The localized delivery stop by DHL is unusual. The DHL spokesperson currently has no knowledge of any similar cases nationwide in Germany where DHL avoids an address to ensure the safety of its employees. Residents of the Duisburg high-rise who receive a package from DHL will receive a notification card in their mailbox - with the card, they can pick up the package at a post office.

Mail delivery continues at the building, as long as a fault-free assignment to an undamaged mailbox is possible, the DHL spokesperson emphasized.

Competitors continue to deliver

However, competitors continue to deliver. A DPD spokesperson said they still offer doorstep delivery there. This means that packages are delivered to the apartment door and not just to the entrance area of the building. GLS emphasizes that there is no "systematic refusal to deliver individual addresses" in Germany.

Hermes reports that delivery takes place regularly. There have been no delivery situations so challenging that delivery had to be restricted, they said.

A GLS spokesperson also mentioned "challenges" in certain areas of Duisburg. There, only specially trained drivers are used, who can handle the given circumstances. The DPD spokesperson also reported that there are "repeated incidents of verbal abuse, harassment, and threats of violence against delivery personnel" nationwide.

Precarious living conditions in the building

The building is located in the Hochheide district, whose unemployment rate, according to the city administration, is 12%. (NRW average: 7.4%). The building is from the 70s. Many windows are broken, some balconies are full of clutter. In the stairwell, there are graffiti, and a patch of ceiling tile is visible. The mood of some residents is tense, as a dpa reporter on site reported.

People frequently throw trash and other waste out of their windows, and then the trash collects in the immediate vicinity. Residents report many rats and cockroaches. The police report an "order problem" at the address.

A speaker for the city states that the municipal office has had 21 citations this year at the address for littering with shopping carts. This includes items such as old car tires and wooden parts. In addition, there have been 84 control citations by the municipal office at the house, which had no specific reason.

Reactions on site

The DHL delivery stop is known on site, opinions about it vary: A resident expresses understanding towards dpa, stating that conditions are difficult at the location. She would like to move away as soon as possible.

Another resident says, DHL is overdoing it excessively. "DHL turns a fly into an elephant." It could indeed be that it gets louder about package deliverers - "that could happen, but that's not everyday." Frustration arises due to the sometimes poor delivery quality.

The long-term resident of the house comments on DHL: The corporation is saving labor time and costs by bringing the packages to its post office instead of to the apartments. The driver of a food delivery service reports that he has had no problems so far. He has delivered to the high-rise building for the third time.

Politician demands respect

From the political sphere, Bundestag member Sebastian Roloff (SPD) speaks out, who was recently responsible for the Post Law reform. "The situation in Duisburg is regrettable, especially from the perspective of those who live there and do not cause any trouble," says the Social Democrat and urges more respect towards delivery personnel.

  1. Despite the unusual delivery stop by DHL in Duisburg, competitors like DPD and Hermes continue to deliver packages directly to the apartment doors in the building.
  2. GLS, another delivery service, mentioned facing challenges in certain areas of Duisburg and using specially trained drivers to handle the situations.
  3. The local Society has raised concerns about the precarious living conditions in the White Giant building in Duisburg, with issues such as littering, rats, and cockroaches reported.
  4. The police in North Rhine-Westphalia have filed 21 citations for littering with shopping carts and 84 control citations at the White Giant building this year, indicating an 'order problem' at the address.
  5. Bundestag member Sebastian Roloff (SPD), who was recently responsible for the Post Law reform, has spoken out about the situation in Duisburg, urging more respect towards delivery personnel and expressing regret for those residents not causing any trouble.

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