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Damp voting slips and relocation spots

Severe flooding in Bavaria has inflicted massive damage and is still restraining certain cities. These circumstances also impact the European elections.

A man walks past a house in the city of three rivers.
A man walks past a house in the city of three rivers.

Inundations cause destruction and havoc. - Damp voting slips and relocation spots

Flooding in some areas of Bavaria has resulted in changes for the upcoming European election. In certain towns, polling locations had to be relocated due to damage caused by the flood. The affected regions include Aichach-Friedberg, Augsburg, Freising, Günzburg, Neuburg-Schrobenhausen, and Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm, as informed by Bavarian State Electoral Officer Thomas Gössl.

In some instances, town halls were still inoperable, leading to the establishment of temporary local governments. Speaking with officials from these affected regions, it was determined that the election could proceed as usual.

Unfortunately, some voted ballot papers had been damaged beyond recognition, leaving them uncountable. For example, the administrative district of Schrobenhausen saw its ballots destroyed, as post boxes were submerged or water had penetrated into their local municipality offices. In these cases, the community issues new ballots and delivers them to eligible voters along with the rest of their voting materials. The prior ballots are then considered invalid to prevent double voting. Consultation with district election officers and federal government election officials from Baden-Württemberg and Thuringia was carried out during this process.

Voting can take place in the most straightforward manner by appearing at the polling station on election day. Voters who have already applied for absentee ballots are welcome to take their ballot papers and ID card to the polling location.

Those who have misplaced or never received their election documents due to the flood should reach out to their municipality promptly, apply for new documents, and pick them up. The easiest method in this instance is to utilize postal voting directly at the municipality by filling out the ballot paper there and returning it. Fresh ballot papers are still being issued in Bavaria until 12:00 p.m. on Saturday, according to State Electoral Officer Gössl.

In addition to the European election, there will be a district council election, five mayoral elections, and 14 citizen initiatives happening in Bavaria on Sunday.

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