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Daily New York Times Unveils Clues (and Solution) for Monday, August 19, 2024 Crossword Puzzle

Tips to triumph in NYT Strands #169 contest

Today's New York Times Straitens Clues (and Solution) for Monday, August 19, 2024 (paraphrased)
Today's New York Times Straitens Clues (and Solution) for Monday, August 19, 2024 (paraphrased)

Daily New York Times Unveils Clues (and Solution) for Monday, August 19, 2024 Crossword Puzzle

If you're searching for tips and solutions for Strands on August 19, 2024, keep reading! I'll provide some hints, the spangram, and the answers, all centered around the theme "Let me make some noise!"

To easily access these Strands hints daily, save this page. You can also find previous hints here.

Below, I've included subtle hints for today's Strands answers. Further down, I'll reveal the spangram and the answers. Take only the hints you need at a time!

Hint for the spangram in today's Strands puzzle

Two phrases related to a group of large wild cats.

Hint for the theme words in today's Strands puzzle

These are feline species you wouldn't want to encounter in their natural habitat.

Warning: Spoilers lie ahead for today's Strands puzzle!

We're about to reveal the answers to today's Strands puzzle.

What is the spangram in today's Strands?

Today's spangram is BIGCAT.

What are the theme words in today's Strands?

Today's theme words are: LYNX, PUMA, LYNX, LEOPARD, JAGUAR, COUGAR, TIGER.

Here's what the board looks like once solved:

Credit: Strands/NYT## How I solved today's Strands

I wondered if today's puzzle had an animal theme, possibly focusing on powerful animals that roar, like lions and tigers.

I found LION! 🎉

And there's JAGUAR right below that. 🎉

Today's New York Times Stray Clues (and Solution) for Monday, August 19, 2024 (paraphrased)

Credit: Strands/NYT

I think I see the spangram now—BIGCAT. 🟡

LYNX is above the spangram in the upper right corner. 🎉

COUGAR is below the word BIG. 🎉

And TIGER completes the bottom half of the puzzle. 🎉

PUMA is to the left of LYNX. 🎉

Lastly, LEOPARD. 🎉

How to play Strands

Find the Strands game on the New York Times website or in the NYT Games app.

The game begins with a game board filled with letters and a clue that hints at the puzzle's theme. Your goal is to uncover the hidden words within the board that align with this theme.

The key word to locate is the "spangram," a word that explicitly states the puzzle's theme. (For examples, if the theme is "Better with age," the spangram is FERMENTED.) Spangrams extend across the entire game board from left to right or top to bottom. Identifying the spangram usually makes the rest of the puzzle much simpler to solve.

Words in Strands can travel in any direction (up, down, left, right, and diagonally), and each letter is used only once. The puzzle only has one correct solution. When you correctly identify one of the puzzle's words (e.g., KOMBUCHA, MISO, or KIMCHI), it will be highlighted in blue.

If you struggle to solve the puzzle, you can submit any non-theme words (as long as they're at least four letters long) to earn a hint. If you submit three non-theme words, the "Hint" button will become clickable; if you click it, all the letters in one theme word will be highlighted for you. You'll still need to arrange these highlighted letters in the correct sequence to form one of the theme words. If there's already a hint on the board and you use another hint before solving for that word, the word's letter order will be revealed.

How to win Strands

Unlike Connections and Wordle, you cannot lose Strands. As you submit guesses, you'll either correctly identify a word, earn credit for a hint, or the text will shake back and forth, indicating that your word is too short or invalid. There are no limitations on guesses or time.

You win when you've used all the letters on the board, which means you've found the spangram and all the theme words. Like other NYT games, you will receive a shareable card that shows how well you performed that day—blue dots 🔵 indicate theme words found, a yellow dot 🟡 indicates when you found the spangram, and a lightbulb 💡 indicates words for which you received a hint.

After solving the Strands puzzle, you might want to unwind with some entertainment. The theme words from today's Strands puzzle, which are all large wild cats, would make an inspiring topic for a documentary or a nature documentary series.

Remember to save this page for future Strands hints, as it offers daily tips and solutions. The page also contains an archive of past hints if you'd like to revisit them.

[Insert entertainment-related content here, such as documentary suggestions, recommendations for nature-themed games, or trivia about large wild cats]

Today's New York Times Strands Includes Clues (and Solution) for Monday, August 19, 2024 (Paraphrased)

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