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Czech Republic plans landscape conservation area in the Ore Mountains

Its spruce forests, moors and wetlands make the Ore Mountains a charming mountain landscape. The Czech Republic wants to better protect nature on its side of the border. A start has been made.

Skiers enjoy the sunny weather on Klinovec (Keilberg) in the Czech part of the Ore Mountains....
Skiers enjoy the sunny weather on Klinovec (Keilberg) in the Czech part of the Ore Mountains. (archive picture)

Environment - Czech Republic plans landscape conservation area in the Ore Mountains

In the Czech part of the Ore Mountains, a new landscape protection area is to be designated. The planning for this has taken a first step, as the Environment Ministry in Prague announced. An agreement was reached with some of the affected towns and municipalities after lengthy negotiations. "Together we have found a solution that provides development opportunities for the towns and municipalities while also giving space to nature protection," Czech Environment Minister Petr Hladik stated.

"The Ore Mountains are an exceptional phenomenon - not only in terms of their size and history, but also in terms of their unique nature," the Christian Democrat politician added. For example, there are large swamp and mire areas with rare species. The Ore Mountains are the only mid-mountain range in the Czech Republic that has not been extensively protected yet. The formal process of declaring a new landscape protection area - called "Protected Landscape Area" (CHKO) in Czech - will begin in the coming weeks.

Among the first signatories of the agreement with the Environment Ministry in Prague were the towns of Jachymov (Sankt Joachimsthal), Loučná pod Klinovcem and Abertamy, as well as the municipalities of Krásný Les and Kovářská. More will join in the coming days.

Petr Zeman, owner of the Klinovec ski area, expressed satisfaction with the result: "We welcome the fact that clear rules have been established after years of uncertainty." Nature protection outside the existing ski areas is a given in the world. Meanwhile, almost 6,000 people have signed an online petition supporting the ministry's plans.

Online petition, in Czech

The new landscape protection area in the Ore Mountains will benefit both tourism and nature conservation, as highlighted by Petr Hladik, the Czech Environment Minister. This unique mid-mountain range, home to rare species and large swamp areas, has not been extensively protected until now. The BMU (Environment Ministry in Prague) has reached an agreement with several local towns and municipalities, including Jachymov, Loučná pod Klinovcem, Abertamy, Krásný Les, and Kovářská, to ensure development opportunities while preserving nature. The formal process for declaring this Protected Landscape Area (CHKO) is set to commence soon, attracting support from enthusiasts like Petr Zeman, owner of the Klinovec ski area, and over 6,000 online petition signatories.

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