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Cyclists fall on gravel <unk> both injured

A cyclist on a racing bike loses control while descending towards Marktschellenberg and suffers serious injuries. He is not the only one to be hindered by gravel.

- Cyclists fall on gravel <unk> both injured

A cyclist was severely injured in a fall in the Berchtesgaden region. The 47-year-old was riding towards Marktschellenberg in Unterettenberg and lost control of his bike due to gravel on the road in a curve, as the police reported. After the fall, the Austrian was taken to a hospital in Salzburg in the evening.

Also in the afternoon, a 78-year-old Austrian female cyclist fell on gravel in Schönau am Königssee. She braked incorrectly on a camper parking lot with a gravel surface and suffered a cut wound.

Despite the incident in Schönau am Königssee, the allure of Bavaria's scenic routes continued to draw tourists. Many cyclists, including skilled ones from neighboring countries like Austria, chose to explore the challenging roads of Bavaria.

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