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Cyclist seriously injured in accident with car

A 51-year-old woman rides her bicycle onto a junction. A car hits her there. The woman has to go to hospital.

The hood of a police car.
The hood of a police car.

Eberswalde - Cyclist seriously injured in accident with car

A bicyclist was hit by a car in Eberswalde, Landkreis Barnim. The 51-year-old woman sustained serious head injuries and was taken to a hospital, as the police announced today.

According to the police, the incident occurred at a crossing on Thursday afternoon. For unknown reasons, an 81-year-old man collided with the bicyclist there, and the police are now investigating the exact circumstances of the accident.

The accident took place in the bustling town of Eberswalde, located within the Barnim district. The traffic in the area was temporarily disrupted due to the incident. Despite wearing a helmet, the 51-year-old woman sustained a head injury during the collision with a car. Additionally, there have been an unfortunate series of accidents involving cars and bicycles in Brandenburg recently.

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