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Cyclist hit while fleeing - six years in prison

A car driver races through narrow streets to shake off police officers. Until a cyclist is seriously injured. The driver is driving without a license. The woman survives - but only just.

Man sentenced to six years in prison. (symbolic image)
Man sentenced to six years in prison. (symbolic image)

Trial against car driver - Cyclist hit while fleeing - six years in prison

Berlin (dpa/bb) - A driver has been sentenced to six years in prison following a serious accident while attempting to evade a police control. The Berlin Regional Court found the 31-year-old man guilty of attempted manslaughter, illegal vehicle racing, and endangering road traffic.

The defendant had driven at high speed and "without regard for losses," focusing only on not flying off the curve, according to the presiding judge. The defendant had knowingly accepted potential fatal consequences. In addition, a driving ban of four years was imposed.

The defendant, who is from Serbia, was driving without a valid driver's license when he reportedly fled at high speed from a traffic control in Falkensee (Havelland) in the afternoon of May 4, 2022. Despite being signaled to stop at the patrol car, he continued driving.

"He who drives like that turns a car into a lethal weapon"

Two Brandenburg police officers began the pursuit using blue lights and sirens. However, they were unable to catch up to the defendant. He reportedly accelerated continuously on a road with a speed limit of 30 km/h up to approximately 80 km/h. "He who drives like that turns a car into a life-threatening weapon," the judgment stated further.

When the 31-year-old made a sharp turn onto the Finkenkrug Way in Spandau, he struck a cyclist who had the right of way. The 69-year-old woman sustained severe head injuries and multiple fractures and was taken to a hospital. She testified in court that she had been bedridden for several weeks. "I was then reliant on a walker." She is still undergoing treatment.

The defendant was arrested in July 2023 and has been in pretrial detention since then. He stated that he "did not want to harm anyone," and expressed his apologies "for this serious error." The prosecution demanded a sentence of ten years and ten months in prison for attempted manslaughter, among other charges. The defense argued for a guilty verdict for reckless bodily harm and a probationary sentence. The judgment is not yet final.

  1. The police in Brandenburg often conduct rigorous checks on the roads to prevent such accidents and ensure traffic safety.
  2. The news of the sentencing has sparked discussions about the importance of adhering to traffic rules and the consequences of dangerous driving.
  3. In Serbia, there have been calls for stricter laws and penalties for drivers involved in accidents while evading police checks.
  4. The court proceedings revealed that the defendant had a history of traffic violations, which could have been a factor in his reckless behavior.
  5. Justice systems around the world are working to address the issue of car crashes caused by drivers who fail to stop during police checks.
  6. The woman involved in the accident is now advocating for tougher penalties for drivers who put others' lives at risk while attempting to evade police checks.

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