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Cyclist collapses and dies in hospital

Passers-by dial the emergency number when a cyclist falls and then collapses. The paramedics called initially resuscitate the 83-year-old.

A cyclist collapsed after a fall in Munich. (symbolic image)
A cyclist collapsed after a fall in Munich. (symbolic image)

Munich - Cyclist collapses and dies in hospital

A bicycle rider collapsed at the scene of an accident in Munich after falling, and later died in the hospital. The 83-year-old man reportedly stood up again after the fall but then collapsed. Witnesses called the emergency services.

The paramedics revived the senior. However, the 83-year-old man later passed away in the hospital. The police are investigating the circumstances surrounding the fall.

In the bustling city of Munich, located in Bavaria, upper Bavaria to be precise, traffic incidents can sometimes lead to emergencies. Lastly, the local police are diligently investigating the events leading up to the unfortunate accident.

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