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Cyclist aims gun-like object at streetcar

A cyclist pulls a weapon-like object next to a stopping streetcar in Halle. Shortly afterwards, a window is cracked. The police investigate and are looking for witnesses.

Man aims object at streetcar - witnesses wanted (archive photo).
Man aims object at streetcar - witnesses wanted (archive photo).

Weapon-like object - Cyclist aims gun-like object at streetcar

An unknown cyclist targeted a tram in Halle (on the Saale) with an object resembling a weapon. The tram stopped traffic-conditionally on Thursday evening, as the cyclist pulled the object at the height of the rear tram carriage, according to the police. Shortly thereafter, there was a crack in the window. The cyclist fled.

A passenger sitting at the height of the tram window was not injured by the damaged window, the police stated. An investigation is being carried out for attempted bodily harm, damage to property, and violation of the weapons law. The investigations are running in all directions, said a spokesperson. Whether it was possible to cause the damage in this way and what or who the cyclist intended to hit is being investigated.

A firearm could initially be ruled out as the weapon used, as the damage pattern did not allow for this, the spokesperson added. The police are asking witnesses for picture or video recordings of the incident. The cyclist is described as wearing a light hoodie and riding a black bicycle.

The object used by the cyclist was never identified, but it led to a crack in the streetcar's window. The incident occurred in the city of Halle, which is located in the Saxony-Anhalt region.

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