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Customs seized 130 dead songbirds

In the luggage of a group of travelers, customs officials at Friedrichshafen Airport find almost 100 kg of meat, including 130 deep-frozen and prepared-to-eat songbirds.

Customs officers found nearly 100 kg of meat, including 130 frozen birds, in the luggage of a...
Customs officers found nearly 100 kg of meat, including 130 frozen birds, in the luggage of a travel group at the end of June. Investigations are now being conducted against a responsible person.

- Customs seized 130 dead songbirds

Customs officers discovered nearly 100 kilos of meat, including 130 deep-frozen and prepared songbirds, in the luggage of a travel group at Friedrichshafen Airport (Lake Constance district). Criminal proceedings have been initiated against a suspect, according to customs officials. The travel group was already checked at the end of June.

Investigations together with the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation revealed that the songbirds were likely caught illegally in the wild. According to customs, the birds are often illegally caught using nets and glue traps during bird migration. In some countries, they are considered a delicacy.

The import of meat from third countries is generally prohibited for veterinary reasons. The songbirds are strictly protected under the European Birds Directive and may not be brought into the EU, as stated in the announcement.

The discovery of the songbirds has sparked concerns about illegal wildlife poaching, falling under the umbrella of criminal activities. Despite being a delicacy in some countries, importing these protected birds violates the European Birds Directive and European Union laws, leading to serious consequences.

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