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Curious appearance by football coach Belichick in Frankfurt

Eleven questions, eleven answers, around three minutes: Patriots coach Bill Belichick holds an unusual press conference in Frankfurt. His job could become increasingly precarious.

A football helmet lies on the pitch before a
A football helmet lies on the pitch before a

Curious appearance by football coach Belichick in Frankfurt

Bill Belichick had no desire to go into detail. The 71-year-old coach of the New England Patriots just wanted to get the press conference after the 6:10 against the Indianapolis Colts over with as quickly as possible. With the full press room in the Frankfurt soccer stadium in front of him, Belichick answered the journalists' questions almost in staccato style. After a short presentation, the six-time champion answered eleven questions in just three minutes.

Belichick's job could actually be in jeopardy this season. The Patriots have lost eight out of ten games and are one of the worst teams in the league. "I do my best every single day," Belichick said when asked if the rumors about his job security are affecting his work. He seemed fed up and in a bad mood. His team had once again put in a sluggish and error-prone performance.

Club owner Robert Kraft had already commented before the start of the game in Frankfurt on how disappointing the season had been for the club, which had been spoiled by success. "I think we all feel that. I think we're all disappointed with this season. But we will move on, there are seven games left. We have to be ready for the game against the Giants," Belichick said. Most of the 50,144 fans in Frankfurt had cheered on the Patriots. The club from Foxborough is considered to have the largest fan base in Germany.


