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Culture ministers unveil findings following summit

Education ministers from the federal states gather in Saarland to discuss the upcoming Digital Pact for Schools. The outcome of their two-day conference will be revealed on Friday.

Christine Streichert-Clivot (SPD), President of the Conference of Ministers of Education and...
Christine Streichert-Clivot (SPD), President of the Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs and Minister of Education in Saarland.

Educational Institutions Reopen: Students Anticipate Returning to Classes After Lockdown - Culture ministers unveil findings following summit

This Friday, the Cultural Ministers of the various states will be presenting the outcome of their two-day meeting in Saarlouis, Saarland starting at 13:30. A significant topic on the agenda is the continuation of the Digital Pact School, a massive funding program worth billions for the digitalization of educational institutions. The states have been seeking clarity about the Federal Government's plans for financing the next version of this program, called Digital Pact 2.0, for many months now.

Under the initial Digital Pact, the Federal Government contributed a massive 6.5 billion Euros, covering 90% of the expenses for digitalizing schools, including the purchase of laptops and digital boards. The remaining 10% was split between the states and municipalities. However, the government now plans to have a 50/50 funding split, which might put considerable strain on the states, according to the chairperson of the Cultural Ministers' Conference, Saarland's Education Minister Christine Streichert-Clivot (SPD).

Additionally, during the education and research ministers' conference while Saarland holds the chairmanship, discussions will take place on how to attract more teachers through innovative recruitment methods. Also on the table is a joint strategy between the Federal and State Governments concerning the internationalization of German universities.

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