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CSU presents catalog of demands on migration policy

A sign reading "Asylum" hangs on a
A sign reading "Asylum" hangs on a

CSU presents catalog of demands on migration policy

More money from the federal government for migration policy, deportations of serious offenders to Syria and Afghanistan, no more citizen's allowance for refugees from Ukraine: in a new resolution, the CSU in the state parliament presents a comprehensive list of demands for reforms in asylum and migration policy.

In the paper entitled "Limiting migration", the Christian Socialists argue that "irregular migration" must be "effectively combated with all permissible state resources". Otherwise, social peace in the country would be at risk, the general willingness of the population to help would decrease, while right-wing populist and far-right views would noticeably increase. What is needed is a "limitation and control of immigration", demands the CSU.

The paper largely summarizes old and well-known positions of the CSU - but is also clearer on certain points than before.

A framework must be created "to enable the deportation of serious criminals and dangerous individuals, including to countries of origin such as Syria and Afghanistan". The introduction of "transit centers" at Germany's borders should be examined if the EU's external border protection is not implemented effectively. The CSU is also calling for a "rethink of the entire asylum and protection law in a pan-European context". And war refugees from Ukraine should receive asylum seeker benefits and no longer citizen's allowance.

The CSU in the state parliament is demanding more money from the federal government in the long term than was agreed at the most recent federal-state round of talks between the minister presidents and Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD). "The funds currently provided by the federal government for refugee-related costs and those promised in the future are inadequate and do not come close to doing justice to the dramatic situation on the ground," reads the paper, which was presented to the parliamentary group on Wednesday.

Under its new parliamentary group leader Klaus Holetschek, the CSU had recently produced a paper on integration policy in which, for example, the concept of the German "Leitkultur" was revived.

The CSU in Parliament intends to discuss their migration policy demands with the federal government, including increasing funding for migration policy, advocating for the deportation of serious offenders to Syria and Afghanistan, and changing the asylum benefits for refugees from Ukraine. In response to the rising right-wing populist and far-right views due to irregular migration, the CSU's paper 'Limiting migration' advocates for effective combat with all resources and a limitation and control of immigration.




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