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CSU Makes Gains in Bavaria, With Greens Suffering Heavy Losses

In the recent European elections in Bavaria, the CSU managed to hold onto its position, but suffered a setback in comparison to 2019. The AfD, on the other hand, made significant progress.

Manfred Weber, Chairman of the European People's Party, receives his ballot paper at a polling...
Manfred Weber, Chairman of the European People's Party, receives his ballot paper at a polling station.

Extension of Information - CSU Makes Gains in Bavaria, With Greens Suffering Heavy Losses

The analysis conducted by Infratest Dimap for Bayerischer Rundfunk revealed that the CSU secured the top spot in Bavaria's European election with a 40% share of the votes. Though they were unable to maintain their position from five years ago (40.7%), they managed to outperform their performance in the 2023 state election (37.0%).

As per the latest computation at 8:22 PM, the Greens scored the second highest with 12.0% votes (2019: 19.1%), while the AfD claimed the third spot with 11.7% votes (2019: 8.5%).

These outcomes are fairly consistent with the estimates put forth by the polls in the run-up to the election. The SPD comes fourth with 8.8% votes (2019: 9.3%), trailed by the Free Voters at 7.0% (2019: 5.3%). The FDP follows with 4.0% votes (2019: 3.4%), followed by the BSW with 3.6%. Volt bagged 2.7% votes (2019: 0.7%), while the ODP garnered 2.1% votes (2019: 3.1%).

Infratest Dimap reported a voter turnout of 64%, which is higher than the 60.8% turnout in 2019.

The European election saw around 10.4 million people eligible to vote in Bavaria. This included approximately 220,000 16- and 17-year-olds who cast their votes for the first time due to the lowering of the voting age. Besides German nationals (9.57 million), there were also roughly 822,000 citizens with other European Union nationalities eligible to vote in Bavaria. They had the option to choose whether to vote in Bavaria or in their own member state.

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