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CSU calls for new agreement and Scholz to speak plainly to Erdogan

Markus Söder, (CSU) Prime Minister of Bavaria and CSU party
Markus Söder, (CSU) Prime Minister of Bavaria and CSU party

CSU calls for new agreement and Scholz to speak plainly to Erdogan

According to CSU leader Markus Söder, Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) must negotiate a new agreement with Turkish President Recep Tayyip to reduce the number of refugees. "We expect the Federal Chancellor to be clear with the Turkish President during his upcoming visit, clear on the matter, but also clear on the results," said the Bavarian Minister President on Monday after the CSU executive meeting in Munich. Scholz must also talk to Erdogan on Friday about his statements on the role of Hamas in the war with Israel.

"A new Turkey deal is needed, but not simply at any price, but also with a clear commitment to the positions that are important to us," Söder emphasized.

Germany, NATO and the EU need Turkey to help manage immigration to Europe. Among other things, the talks between Scholz and Erdogan will focus on reviving the EU-Turkey agreement on the accommodation of refugees in Turkey. Conversely, the German government must also keep the promises that Germany has made so far, said Söder.

Erdogan plans to travel to Berlin for a dinner on Friday (November 17). He also wants to meet with Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier there. One of the main topics will be the war between Israel and the Islamist Hamas, on which Erdogan has a completely different stance to his NATO partners.

After the terrorist attack on Israel that left 1,200 dead, Erdogan described Hamas as a "liberation organization", while the USA and the EU classify it as a terrorist organization. He also accused Israel of "crimes against humanity" and the West of hypocrisy. So far, there has been hardly any open criticism of Erdogan's statements from NATO allies. So far, this has also applied to Chancellor Scholz and the German government.

The CSU, led by Markus Söder, advocates for a new agreement with Turkey, emphasizing that it should not come at any cost and should include a strong commitment to German positions. This agreement could potentially help reduce migration to Europe.

Amidst international conflicts, such as the role of Hamas in the Israel-Palestine conflict, it's crucial for Chancellor Scholz to address these issues during his meeting with Turkish President Erdogan, as the CSU expects him to be clear and straightforward in his discussions.


