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Cruise sector intervenes against AfD's "deportation timetable."

Cruise companies express outrage: A Brandenburg AfD parliamentary group has featured their vessels in a calendar alongside calls for deportation. Legal proceedings have been initiated in response.

The Bremerhaven cruise terminal at Columbuskaje.
The Bremerhaven cruise terminal at Columbuskaje.

Judicial Equity - Cruise sector intervenes against AfD's "deportation timetable."

Cruise companies from across the globe are taking legal measures against a calendar created by the AfD city council faction in Senftenberg, South Brandenburg. This calendar, titled "The most beautiful deportation ships," features images of recognizable cruise ships with political statements such as "Right to a homeland. We also bring them back" and "Homeland vacation yes, but without a return ticket" printed over them.

The chief executive officer (CEO) of the German branch of the International Cruise Line Association (CLIA), Georg Ehrmann, addressed this issue in Hamburg on Tuesday. He has requested that the AfD issues a cease and desist order regarding the calendar, and if it remains unwithdrawn, he plans to pursue a preliminary injunction.

Ehrmann stated, "Each company is suing the AfD individually to send a strong message that they cannot get away with this racist and repulsive action. Investigations into damages are also underway." Previously, RBB24 had reported on this case.

Cruise companies have expressed their disapproval of the AfD's slogans. Carnival Cruise Line commented on the situation by saying, "We are flabbergasted that images of our ships, which host people of various backgrounds and cultures in harmony, were used for the racist messaging of the AfD."

Ehrmann added, "Cruise shipping symbolizes values like openness and tolerance. We have numerous nationalities on our ships."

On the AfD Oberspreewald-Lausitz's Facebook page, a video from January of this year can be seen where an AfD local politician promotes the calendar. Earlier, AfD politicians from Baden-Württemberg had already shared a "deportation calendar" with airplanes.

Read also:

  1. In response to the AfD's "deportation timetable," various cruise companies in Germany, including those based in Hamburg, are contemplating legal action.
  2. The AfD city council faction in Senftenberg, Brandenburg, has come under fire for a calendar titled "The most beautiful deportation ships," which features disparaging political statements towards migrants and asylum seekers.
  3. Georg Ehrmann, the CEO of the German branch of the International Cruise Line Association (CLIA), has denounced the calendar and is seeking a cease and desist order from the AfD, as well as potential legal action if the calendar remains unwithdrawn.
  4. The AfD Oberspreewald-Lausitz's Facebook page recently uploaded a video promoting the calendar, following in the footsteps of AfD politicians from Baden-Württemberg who previously shared a "deportation calendar" with airplanes.
  5. Ehrmann emphasized that cruise ships represent values of openness and tolerance, and they welcome passengers from numerous nationalities, including Germany and beyond.
  6. The AfD's usage of the cruise industry in its racist propaganda dismays cruise companies, such as Carnival Cruise Line, as they uphold principles of justice, equality, and inclusivity in their operations.

