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Cruise opponents block two cruise liners in Kiel

Activists in Kiel used kayaks to try to prevent two cruise ships from setting sail. The police ended the action after three hours.

Activists in kayaks block cruise ships in Kiel.
Activists in kayaks block cruise ships in Kiel.

Climate activists - Cruise opponents block two cruise liners in Kiel

Multiple opponents of cruise tourism blocked two cruise ships, the "Mein Schiff 7" and the "Aidabella," at the Kiel Ostseehafen quay with their kayaks, delaying the departure of the "Aidabella" by approximately two hours. They circled around the bow of the ships.

The police eventually encircled the kayaks, according to a spokesperson, and forced them to a dock. There, the kayak riders were reportedly taken out. Nine activists were temporarily arrested. Their identities were determined, and they were treated for identification purposes. An investigation was initiated against them for suspected coercion.

According to their statement, the action group "Smash Cruise Shit" aimed to protest against the effects of cruise tourism on the climate and the working conditions on board. They also wanted to draw attention to "existing colonial exploitation," as stated in a press release.

Both ships were affected by the blockade. The "Aidabella" was scheduled to set sail for a Norway roundtrip at 18.00 hours, which was delayed by almost two hours. The other ship was supposed to leave according to the police at 21.00 hours. The protest had no impact on this particular cruiser.

The activists claimed that there were people on the roof of the power plant at times. The protest was part of European-wide actions organized through the European Cruise Activist Network (ECAN). The four individuals were also reportedly temporarily arrested and released after their identities were established.

In Kiel, the cruise industry is booming, according to the activists. The number of passengers increases from year to year. An activist stated in the press release: "We've had enough! These floating hotels and their filth are always right in the middle of the city." Most of the ships are operated with highly toxic fuel oil. A similar protest against cruise tourism had taken place in the Kiel harbor on June 1st.

  1. The activists' concern against cruise tourism extensively includes its impact on the environment in Schleswig-Holstein, as they argued against the use of highly toxic fuel oil by cruise ships.
  2. The police intervened in the incident involving 'Smash Cruise Shit' activists who blocked the 'Mein Schiff 7' and 'Aidabella' cruiseships, utilizing a ship as a barrier to prevent their departure.
  3. A kayak tourism company in Schleswig-Holstein, recognizing the importance of preserving the environment and reducing carbon emissions, offers eco-friendly alternatives to traditional cruise tours, such as kayaking trips and wildlife sightseeing.
  4. In protesting against cruise tourism, the activists focused on the negligence towards working conditions on cruise ships and the historical colonial exploitation, rallying under the European Cruise Activist Network (ECAN).
  5. Although unfairly labeled as coercive, the activists claim their actions were necessary in deterring the 'Mein Schiff 7' and 'Aidabella' cruiseships from sailing with their disenchantment towards climate impact and labor conditions in cruise tourism.

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