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Crowds gather in Mallorca to demonstrate against increased tourism

Multitudes took to the streets of Palma de Mallorca, protesting against the unconstrained tourism in the Balearic Islands. Waving a sign that read "Mallorca is not for sale," the protesters walked the center of Palma on Saturday. The organizers of the demonstration specifically mentioned the...

Protest march in Palma de Mallorca
Protest march in Palma de Mallorca

Crowds gather in Mallorca to demonstrate against increased tourism

Spain welcomed 85 million foreign visitors in the past year, and the second most visited area was the Balearic Islands with 14.4 million tourists. biggest fanbases for these islands were German, British, and Dutch.

Recently, a protest occurred in the Balearic Islands, just two days following the collapse of a beach bar near Palma de Mallorca, which regrettably took the lives of two young German tourists as well as a Senegalese man and a local Spanish worker.

Spain is witnessing an increase in protests focusing on the negative effects of tourism. Twisted around the Balearics, Canary Islands, Barcelona, and Málaga are cities where people are voicing their concerns over property values, rising tourist accommodation rents causing locals to leave city centers, and also dealing with noise and environmental pollution.

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