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Crowded streets at the start of the summer vacations

At the start of the summer vacations, the roads in NRW are really busy in many places. If you're on the road on the first day of the vacation, you'll need to be patient.

At the start of the summer holidays in NRW, the highways are particularly busy.
At the start of the summer holidays in NRW, the highways are particularly busy.

Traffic - Crowded streets at the start of the summer vacations

At the start of the summer holidays in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), there are traffic jams reported on the streets. "Since midday, we have observed a significant increase in traffic jams," said an ADAC Nordrhin spokesperson to the German Press Agency.

At 1 pm, there were 100 traffic jams on the NRW autobahns, with a total length of 241 kilometers. An hour later, there were already 132 traffic jams with a total length of 386 kilometers. At 3 pm, the ADAC counted 130 traffic jams on 402 kilometers, and by 4 pm, there were 142 traffic jams with a length of 382 kilometers.

Traffic jams at known hotspots

The traffic jam hotspots are often the already heavily congested roads in NRW. "It looks very red at the Autobahnkreuz Leverkusen and on the Cologne Autobahnring with a lot of standstill," said the spokesperson. The A1 and A3 are particularly affected here. "Motorists need a lot of patience and good nerves."

The situation is also tense around Duisburg and the A3/A59 crossroads near Kaiserberg. Additionally, there are traffic jams around Wuppertal on the A46 and around Neuss on the A57. "It's always busy on these roads, and things vary around them," said the spokesperson.

Many construction sites in NRW

With the start of the EM game at 6 pm, there may be some relaxation. "It could very well be that there is significantly less traffic on the autobahns around the football game, as many people want to watch the quarterfinal between Germany and Spain," said the spokesperson. However, it is uncertain whether the existing traffic jams will have dissipated by then.

Motorists should not only pay attention to this today but throughout the holidays to the numerous construction sites and the closed A45 near Luedenscheid. According to ADAC, there are currently over 600 construction sites causing disruptions and time loss on the NRW autobahns.

Quieter weekend expected

Flexible motorists should start their trips on Monday or Tuesday outside of rush hours. Additionally, it is expected to be already less crowded on the roads over the weekend due to the absence of work traffic. "It's better to get through on Saturdays and Sundays," said the ADAC spokesperson.

NRW starts the summer holidays as the sixth federal state in Germany, after Lower Saxony, Bremen, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, and Thuringia. The start of the summer holidays is also imminent in the southern Netherlands. Motorists traveling to the neighboring country should also prepare for fully congested autobahns. Additionally, many travelers from Northern Europe are on their way to the sea and the south.

  1. The German Press Agency reported increased traffic jams at the start of the summer vacation in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), with ADAC Nordrhin spokesperson citing 100 jams on NRW autobahns at 1 pm.
  2. Traffic jam hotspots in NRW are often the already congested roads, such as the Autobahnkreuz Leverkusen and the Cologne Autobahnring, with the A1 and A3 being particularly affected, according to the ADAC spokesperson.
  3. Motorists should be aware of numerous construction sites and the closed A45 near Luedenscheid in NRW, as there are currently over 600 construction sites causing disruptions and time loss on the NRW autobahns, according to ADAC.
  4. Many travelers from Northern Europe are on their way to the sea and the south during summer vacation, which could lead to fully congested autobahns, especially in the southern Netherlands, where the summer holiday start is also imminent.
  5. Flexible motorists traveling through Leverkusen in North Rhine-Westphalia during summer vacation should plan their trips outside of rush hours or consider traveling on weekends to avoid traffic jams and construction site delays.

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