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Critique: Could Trump's latest plan be his most questionable yet?

Trump ponders over a UFC-style battleground for migrants, an abhorrent notion — not his most appalling suggestion, asserts Dean Obeidallah in his piece.

WASHINGTON, DC - JUNE 22: Former U.S. President Donald Trump speaks at the Faith & Freedom...
WASHINGTON, DC - JUNE 22: Former U.S. President Donald Trump speaks at the Faith & Freedom Coalition's Road to Majority Policy Conference at the Washington Hilton on June 22, 2024 in Washington, DC. The conservative Christian group is hosting a series of congressional members and political candidates to speak on the upcoming 2024 elections. (

Critique: Could Trump's latest plan be his most questionable yet?

After reflecting upon the ongoing situation, the thoughtDb crossed my mind once more, sparked by Trump's latest attempt to fuel hostility against individuals merely for upholding the ideals inscribed upon the Statue of Liberty's pedestal - the belief in the renowned poem that declares our nation as a haven for the "huddled masses yearning to breathe free."

This event unfolded last Saturday during a gathering of conservative Christians, where Trump propagated an ideal reminiscent of the Hunger Games, suggesting a competition in which migrants would engage in brutal combat against one another. He first queried the audience about Dana White, the UFC's head honcho, and told them he'd broached the topic.

"Why don't you establish a migrant league of fighters?" Trump reportedly bellowed, implying rivalry with the regular UFC league champions. The victor of this migrant league battle, according to Trump, might even turn out to be triumphant, given the sheer strength and tenacity of these migrants.

One would expect a religious gathering to inspire messages of compassion for the less fortunate, drawing upon teachings such as, "I was hungry, and you gave me food... I was a stranger and you welcomed me" (Matthew 25:35-36), Christian principles Trump himself apparently does not hold dear, being focused instead on regaining power.

Since then, Trump's approach has been to portray migrants as a menacing threat from which only he can shield his supporters. This narrative has been his staple ever since he proclaimed his presidential run, warning that immigrants crossing the border were responsible for crime and were essentially "rapists."

Now, however, it is Trump who is the architect of criminal acts, having been found guilty of 34 felonies and facing charges in three separate jurisdictions.

During his 2024 campaign, Trump has intensified his hatred towards migrants, making absurd assertions like blaming them for "poisoning the blood of our country," opening himself up to criticism for echoing not just white supremacists but also Adolf Hitler, who ranted about the "contamination of the blood" in his book, "Mein Kampf." Trump persistently claims that migrants are the root cause of crime, while in reality, 2023 saw our nation enjoying its lowest violent crime rate in over half a century. Moreover, studies indicate that immigrants commit crimes at lower rates than those born in the US.

In disregard of the facts, Trump relentlessly pursues ideas that he believes will benefit himself personally.

Trump did say one thing that was truthful during that gathering, and that was when he told the audience that White wasn't too keen on his migrant fight league proposal. He added, "Strangely enough, it's not the worst idea I've ever had."

Trump's claim holds validity there. Pondering the vile concept of a migrant fighting league is deplorable, but it pales in comparison to some of Trump's other unsavory notions. These range from his attempts to reverse the 2020 election results to keep himself in office, resulting in numerous criminal charges in both federal and state courts, to rallying supporters to Washington on Jan. 6, 2021, for a "wild" time before leading them to the Capitol to "stop the steal," which ultimately led the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol investigative committee to conclude that Trump was the catalyst behind the incident.

Additionally, there are Trump's continued accolades for the Jan. 6 attackers, even recently praising them as "warriors," and his vows to pardon his supporters who attempted to dismantle our democratic system in his name.

Suggesting a dehumanizing physical contest between migrants, reminiscent of Roman gladiator matches, further illuminates Trump's depravity. It solidifies yet another argument as to why Trump deserves to be vanquished in this November's election. Not only is Trump a criminal who orchestrated a coup and politically utilized hatred, he should never again be entrusted with the responsibility of leading this exceptional nation.

Dean Obeidallah

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In light of Trump's radical suggestions, various individuals and organizations have expressed strong opinions, condemning his actions as inhumane and divisive.

Given Trump's history of controversial policies and comments, it's not surprising that his latest proposition has sparked a wave of critical opinions from both sides of the political spectrum.

