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Critics allege disarray in the black-red coalition's financial management.

The opposition parties, including the Greens, Left, and AfD, are uniting in their criticism of the Senate's financial policies. They accuse the black-red government of creating budget chaos, as evidenced by numerous instances.

Katharina Günther-Wünschn (l, CDU), Senator for Education, Youth and Family, answers questions from...
Katharina Günther-Wünschn (l, CDU), Senator for Education, Youth and Family, answers questions from MPs, while Iris Spranger (SPD), Berlin Senator for the Interior, sits next to her during question time at the plenary session of the Berlin House of Representatives.

Senate Legislating Amendments - Critics allege disarray in the black-red coalition's financial management.

In the Berlin state parliament, the opposition claims that the Socialist-Conservative government is not doing well with its financial policies. Green budget expert André Schulze said on Thursday during a plenary session that both state and district employees are unclear about which of their projects will be cut by the Senate. Social funds likewise do not know which funding decisions will still be approved. Schulze described this as "irresponsible" and complained about a budget mess and insecure planning.

"CDU and SPD have promised everything," Schulze stated, but later found that they were "telling lies". This so-called "budget of empty promises" lacks a clear strategy, with its cut list created in secret over the past six months being a prime example. It is not socially responsible, and Schulze criticized the coalition for their lack of planning and decision-making.

Stefan Zillich, the budget expert for the Left faction, made an equally critical remark. He accused the Schwarz-Red government of "cramming a lot" into their 2024/2025 budget, but funding it through reserves and with lump sums—money that would have to be saved later. Zillich highlighted that the coalition was devoid of strategy and decision-making.

In a related development, Zillich warned that future financial challenges would only exacerbate the current situation. There is a significant difference between the projects the Senate plans in their budget and what can realistically be financed in 2026. This is what Zillich called "a financial disaster scenario".

The AfD faction leader, Kristin Brinker, also criticized Schwarz-Red for their role in the massive budget chaos in Berlin. The Senate, in her view, is irresponsibly spending Berliners' money and living extravagantly. A balanced budget, she said, is not a magical feat; it simply means Berlin adheres to its means.

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