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Criticism of peace demo: Central Council Vice President Lehrer cancels

The Vice President of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, Abraham Lehrer, has criticized a peace rally planned for Sunday in Cologne by the artists' initiative "Arsch huh". Lehrer, who is also a board member of the Cologne synagogue community, canceled his participation in the rally on...

A Star of David hangs on the wall of a synagogue.
A Star of David hangs on the wall of a synagogue.

Conflicts - Criticism of peace demo: Central Council Vice President Lehrer cancels

The Vice President of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, Abraham Lehrer, has criticized a peace rally planned for Sunday in Cologne by the artists' initiative "Arsch huh". Lehrer, who is also a board member of the Cologne synagogue community, canceled his participation in the rally on Thursday. The call for the event was "problematic", he wrote to the organizers on Thursday. The terrorist organization Hamas and the Israeli army were placed on the same level in the text. He would not support this. The "Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger" had previously reported (Friday).

According to the invitation, FDP politician Gerhard Baum, cabaret artist Jürgen Becker, the Cologne rock band Brings, the chairman of the Central Council of Muslims, Aiman Mazyek, and the "Arsch Huh" band are to take part in the peace rally "with music and speeches" on Sunday afternoon.

"Arsch huh, Zäng ussenander" (loosely translated: "Stand up and open your mouth") sees itself as one of the most influential artists' and musicians' initiatives against racism and neo-Nazis. Well-known members include Wolfgang Niedecken (BAP) and the Bläck Fööss. In 1992, the initiative mobilized around 100,000 people for a demonstration against the right.

The appeal, which was criticized by Lehrer, stated, among other things: "We mourn for the Israeli victims just as much as for the Palestinian victims and would like to send a signal of solidarity with both peoples with our rally. Neither war can provide security nor terror for liberation." What is needed is a peace solution based on the right of both nations to exist.

Lehrer accused the organizers of denying Israel's right to self-defense. "Israel is fighting against a terrorist organization and until it is destroyed, there will be no peace in the Middle East," he wrote to justify his refusal. After the massacre on October 7, 2023, now is the time for clear solidarity with Israel.

Demonstration call "Arschhuh" Details of the event

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