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Criticism of Kretschmer for statements on citizens' allowance for Ukrainians

Saxony's Minister President Michael Kretschmer (CDU) is pushing for a quick change to the citizens' allowance for refugees from Ukraine and is facing opposition. "Those who can work must also work," he told "Sä" on Monday. On Tuesday, Saxony's Justice Minister Katja Meier (Greens)...

Michael Kretschmer (CDU), Minister President of Saxony.
Michael Kretschmer (CDU), Minister President of Saxony.

Prime Minister - Criticism of Kretschmer for statements on citizens' allowance for Ukrainians

Meier referred to circumstances that make taking on work more difficult. "The refugee women, mostly single Ukrainian women, need secure childcare and good offers for learning the German language. The high bureaucratic hurdles in recognizing vocational degrees must be dismantled."

Left faction leader Rico Gebhardt accused Kretschmer of harboring prejudices. "That's neither humanistic nor becoming of a politically Christian described person. If he had done his job, many problems in this country would not exist," Gebhardt stated on Tuesday. Approximately 1500 of the children and adolescents who came to Saxony had no school place. Among them were also people from Ukraine.

"Where in which foster care facility, in which sales outlet, in which pharmacy are people from Ukraine employed who do not speak German? It is a policy that creates relationships that it later laments with business associations," Gebhardt emphasized. Instead of inciting hatred against people, a head of government should ensure that people get into employment more quickly.

The AfD saw itself confirmed in its own position by Kretschmer's words. It is a big mistake in German asylum and immigration policy that all refugees and asylum applicants "receive the benefits of the German social system too quickly," declared the deputy Martina Jost. "Who has actually fled from war or political persecution is also satisfied with a warm meal in a community accommodation. Many experts have been warning for years that the high German social benefits are the magnet par excellence for immigration."

  1. Michael Kretschmer, the Minister-President of Saxony, needs to address the issues that make it challenging for refugee women, particularly single Ukrainian women, to find employment with secure childcare and German language learning opportunities.
  2. Katja Meier, from the Left faction, highlighted the difficulties these refugee women face, citing bureaucratic hurdles in recognizing vocational degrees as a significant barrier.
  3. The absence of a citizen's income policy in Saxony may be hindering the integration of these refugee women into the labor market.
  4. The City of Dresden and other municipalities in Saxony should consider implementing policies to support these refugee women, as they grapple with the consequences of Germany's migration policies.
  5. The CDU, represented by Michael Kretschmer, should reconsider its approach towards refugees and asylum seekers, given the criticisms from within the party and elsewhere.
  6. The lack of school places for children and adolescents, including those from Ukraine, in Saxony is indicative of a failing education system that needs immediate attention.
  7. The political discourse around refugees and migrants needs to shift away from prejudice and towards more humane solutions, as advocated by Ricardo Gebhardt of the Left faction, to ensure a more integrated society in Saxony.

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