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Criminals blow up twelve ATMs in Saxony-Anhalt

Criminals use brute force when it comes to money. ATMs continue to be the focus of criminals. But other machines are also the target of blasts.

Debris lies in front of the bank branch and the store next to it after unknown persons blew up
Debris lies in front of the bank branch and the store next to it after unknown persons blew up the ATM.

Banks - Criminals blow up twelve ATMs in Saxony-Anhalt

ATMs, ticket machines and cigarette machines were also targeted by criminals in Saxony-Anhalt in 2023. According to the State Criminal Police Office (LKA), twelve ATMs had been blown up by December 20. The perpetrators stole cash in six cases, according to LKA statistics. The LKA did not provide any information on the amount of damage this year or the detection rate. There were 9 ATMs blown up in the previous year and 13 in 2021.

It was only on December 19 that criminals blew up an ATM in Wernigerode. According to the police, however, the perpetrators did not get hold of the cash boxes and fled without any loot. The damage to property was estimated to be in the mid five-figure range.

In Zerbst (Anhalt-Bitterfeld district), perpetrators stole a cash box in September after blowing it up. The building of the bank branch suffered considerable material damage - this is the case in many cases. In the years 2020 to 2022, this resulted in a total loss of 4.5 million euros across the state.

After two ATMs were blown up in a shopping center in the south of Magdeburg in July, Saxony-Anhalt's Interior Minister Tamara Zieschang (CDU) called on banks and ATM manufacturers to improve security measures. Among other things, coloring or adhesive systems can be used that stick or stain the banknotes with color when detonated.

According to the LKA, the number of ticket vending machines blown up was 21 by 20 December. In the previous year, there had been 30 such attacks, which was more than in the previous three years. Between 19 and 22 ticket machine explosions were recorded between 2019 and 2021.

Cigarette vending machines are attacked even more frequently than ticket machines and ATMs in Saxony-Anhalt. However, after 111 blasts in 2019 and 142 in 2020, the numbers fell significantly to 86 in 2021 and 71 last year.

For 2023, the LKA recorded 68 explosions of cigarette vending machines by December 20. Reports from the police stations showed that various other attacks were added over the Christmas holidays.

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