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Criminal investigation after animal cruelty video in dog kennel

A dog boarding kennel in Munich is under investigation for violating the Animal Welfare Act. The police confirmed the existence of a video showing violent scenes. It shows a room with several dogs that is closed off with a gate. People kick frightened, screaming animals with their feet or drag...

A police car is parked in front of a police station.
A police car is parked in front of a police station.

Munich - Criminal investigation after animal cruelty video in dog kennel

A dog boarding kennel in Munich is under investigation for violating the Animal Welfare Act. The police confirmed the existence of a video showing violent scenes. It shows a room with several dogs that is closed off with a gate. People kick frightened, screaming animals with their feet or drag them through the room by their ears. One person even lies down on a dog. According to the police in Munich, a 29-year-old man from the Dachau area is under investigation. He was questioned as a suspect, they said on Monday.

However, a police spokesperson was unable to confirm the authenticity of the footage. However, the video is part of the investigation. A woman discovered the scenes on a social network and filed a complaint last Saturday. According to the police, she was able to provide information about the person and the premises that can be seen on the video.

The Munich District Administration Department (KVR) is taking the allegations very seriously. Due to the seriousness of the violations of animal welfare law, the authority announced on request that the reported measures would be initiated immediately. However, it did not provide any details. In general, a ban on keeping and caring for animals as well as revocation of the existing permit to keep animals commercially could be considered in the event of such serious incidents. However, this would depend on the individual circumstances of each case.

The animal welfare organization Peta also got in touch on Monday. It had received the video footage via a contact form on its website, which can be used to report animal cruelty. The organization called the conditions in the kennel appalling. Animals suffered severe psychological trauma as a result of this treatment. The trust of the owners is also abused.

Police press release

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