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crime sufferers receive aid from White Ring organization

Unforeseen circumstances can make anyone a crime victim. Swiftly and unexpectedly. White Circle offers aid and guidance, even financially. The statistics are climbing.

The White Ring offers guidance and monetary aid to individuals impacted by criminal incidents.
The White Ring offers guidance and monetary aid to individuals impacted by criminal incidents.

- crime sufferers receive aid from White Ring organization

Last year, the advocacy group White Wing aided in 389 situations of victimization in Saxony-Anhalt. In 347 of these instances, they extended material aid along with phone calls, companionship, and guidance, as stated by the state head, Kerstin Godenrath. The need for assistance has significantly surged. The organization offered material aid in approximately 310 instances the year prior. This can include legal aid, financial assistance, and cost coverage.

The state association spent over 125,200 euros on victims last year, as per the state head. This is less than the previous year's expenditure of around 134,300 euros. The funds are sourced from wills, donations, membership fees, and fines assigned. The donation earnings have recently dropped by 3.7%. The organization does not receive any government funding.

Putting emphasis on cyberbullying

"We need to be noticeable," stressed the state head. Events, lectures, as well as podcasts, posters, and campaigns form part of this strategy. This year, White Wing is specifically focusing on cyberbullying in social media. Collaboration with the police, prosecutor's office, and other victim support organizations is crucial to ensure that victims of crime can access aid.

As per Godenrath, most of the individuals assisted by White Wing were victims of physical harm, including domestic abuse. This accounted for about 47% of those seeking help. However, sexual assaults and stalking were also prevalent issues. The assistance of White Wing is free for the victims, and no criminal complaint is needed to receive aid.

Looking for volunteer advocates

White Wing relies on volunteers, who also require support. Currently, about half of the 14 local divisions lack a volunteer leader. The organization is in search of individuals who are willing to assume responsibility and engage. At present, White Wing has 78 volunteer members in Saxony-Anhalt, as stated by Godenrath. They aim to maintain a wide network to remain available to both victims in need and prospective volunteers.

The aid agency, White Wing, acknowledges the importance of collaborating with other organizations to combat cyberbullying, particularly in social media. This collaboration ensures that victims of cybercrimes can also access the assistance they need.

In their efforts to expand their volunteer base, the aid agency, White Wing, is actively seeking individuals who are willing to take on leadership roles in their 14 local divisions, as half of them currently lack volunteer leaders.

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