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Creative protest: Demonstrations against AfD party conference begin

There will be several large demonstrations against the AfD's national party conference in Essen this weekend. There will also be creative protests at the start: With music and a tent camp.

A notice in a retail store near the Grugahalle informs about unscheduled closures. The background...
A notice in a retail store near the Grugahalle informs about unscheduled closures. The background to this is the expected protests against an AfD national party conference in the Grugahalle from Friday.

Food - Creative protest: Demonstrations against AfD party conference begin

One day before the controversial AfD federal party conference in Essen, demonstrators against the party are positioning themselves. The police are deploying strong forces. In the course of the weekend, around 80,000 demonstrators are expected, said NRW Interior Minister Herbert Reul (CDU) to the Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland (RND). There could even be 100,000, added a ministry spokesperson on Friday.

The police are paying particular attention to around 1000 left-extremists who are expected in Essen. Announcements from the scene indicate that they intend to prevent the party conference as violently as possible. The police showed a strong presence at central locations in the city on Friday.

The larger protest actions begin on Friday evening (7:00 PM) with a Rave Demo, to which several thousand people are expected. Well-known DJs will perform and travel in music trucks in a Demo Train from the main station to the Grugahalle under the motto "Bass against Hate".

Up to 4000 activists are camping at the "Camp against Racism"

A tent camp filled up on a meadow outside the city on the Ruhr on Friday. The "Camp against Racism" was originally planned at a central location, but was banned there by the police due to security concerns. Now, the up to 4000 activists must pitch their tents on a meadow at the city border with Bochum.

The actions on Friday are the beginning of a whole series of rallies, demonstrations, and assemblies that will accompany the two-day AfD federal party conference at the Essen Grugahalle on Saturday and Sunday. The peak of the protests is expected on Saturday. At least 45,000 demonstrators are expected at a centrally organized rally, according to police estimates.

The police are deploying several thousand officers. Conflict potential exists above all when left-wing activists fulfill their announcement and try to block the arrival of around 600 delegates to the party conference. An initiative has announced sit-in protests at the Grugahalle for the early morning of Saturday. The police have made it clear that they will not tolerate a blockade and will ensure an unobstructed course of the party conference.

Approximately 1000 left-extremists from all over Germany and abroad are expected to come to Essen and try to disrupt the party conference, according to estimates from the Interior Ministry and the police. In the scene, there have been training sessions for actions in advance, in which, for example, blockade actions were practiced, said Reul to RND. "And exactly there, understanding ends and the liability of the counter-protest begins."

Reul: Protecting the party conference "very robustly ensured"

Reul appealed for understanding for the police deployment. "The equality of opportunity for all political parties is a fundamental element of our free-democratic basic order." Therefore, the police will ensure an unobstructed course of the party conference and will robustly protect this protection if necessary.

The police are setting up numerous checkpoints around the Grugahalle, residents must show their IDs on the way to their homes, major traffic arteries are closed for traffic, bus and streetcars are not running on several lines.

The AfD will choose a new executive board during their conference on Saturday and Sunday. The city of Essen had been looking for ways to prevent the AfD conference for months - however, they ultimately failed in court.

City of Essen - Demonstration Weekend Common Loud Resistance Police Newsletter

  1. The internal ministry of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), led by Herbert Reul from the CDU party, predicts a large demonstration against the AfD party conference in Essen, with up to 80,000 participants approaching on the weekend.
  2. The 'Editorial network Germany' (RND) reported that NRW's interior minister, Herbert Reul, anticipates a potential attendance of 100,000 demonstrators over the weekend, with a focus on Friday evening's Rave Demo.
  3. The weekly gathering of left-wing protestors in Essen includes music as a significant part of their demonstration, with well-known DJs joining the 'Rave Demo' on Friday evening, which starts at 7:00 PM.
  4. In the spirit of opposing racism, around 4000 activists are camping at the "Camp against Racism" outside the city boundaries, in the Ruhr region's outskirts.
  5. The main rally for the entire weekend is scheduled on Saturday, with a predicted attendance of at least 45,000 demonstrators converging towards the Grugahalle, where the AfD party conference is taking place.
  6. The ongoing demonstrations against the AfD party conference have escalated to potential conflict situations, with police forces deploying more than 3000 officers to ensure the protection of the party conference in Essen.
  7. Causes for possible tension include plans from left-wing protestors to prevent around 600 delegates from attending the AfD congress, while the police vows to ensure an unobstructed passage and prevent any blockades.
  8. Police forces in North Rhine-Westphalia continuously monitor potential threats to safety, such as the presence of approximately 1000 left-extremists who plan to disrupt the event, while the interior ministry and police remain on heightened alert throughout the weekend's protests.

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