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Court suspends proceedings in dispute over dune campsite

It's about an idyllically situated campsite right on the Baltic Sea beach. The state of MV, as the owner, and the operator are at loggerheads and arguing in court. A decision is still pending.

View of a campsite on the Baltic Sea.
View of a campsite on the Baltic Sea.

Process - Court suspends proceedings in dispute over dune campsite

The Landgericht Stralsund has suspended the proceedings in the lease dispute over the Rainbow Camping Site in Prerow, known as the Regenbogencamp, located in the Nationalpark Vorpommersche Boddenlandschaft. The presiding judge of the 6th Civil Chamber, Frank Bechlin, announced this on Friday: "We will not make a decision for now." In Greifswald, the issue at hand is a disposal of assets in relation to the site.

The long-standing operator, Regenbogen AG, and the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern were unable to come to a settlement during an oral hearing at the Landgericht Stralsund on June 6. An appeal can be lodged against the suspension order, which would then have to be decided by the Oberlandesgericht Rostock.

The Land MV is the owner of the part of the camping site in question. The Landgericht dealt with the dispute over whether a lease contract, which the Land had terminated as of December 31, 2023, was still valid. Regenbogen AG argued that the contract ran until 2042. In this case, another proceeding is ongoing at the Landgericht Rostock.

Regenbogen AG

The suspension of the lease dispute over the Regenbogencamp in Prerow has attracted attention in the local tourism sector of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. Critics argue that the administrative court proceedings may negatively impact the environment and the overall tourism experience in the Nationalpark Vorpommersche Boddenlandschaft.

If an appeal against the suspension order is not lodged, the Oaklandmesse Stralsund, a prominent tourism event in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, scheduled for October in Prerow, may proceed without any disruptions related to the lease dispute. However, if an appeal is lodged, the Regional Court in Rostock will need to make a decision, possibly affecting the event's organization.

Meanwhile, in Greifswald, the disposal of assets in relation to the Regenbogencamp could lead to significant shifts in the regional tourism landscape, as the camping site has been a popular destination for tourists visiting the coastline of Stralsund and Rostock. Any outcome from the ongoing proceedings could have far-reaching implications for the tourism sector in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

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