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Court pronounces judgment against Tandler

Andrea Tandler earned huge sums with coronavirus mask deals, then the politician's daughter was charged with tax fraud. Now the verdict has been reached. What it will look like is pretty clear.

The defendant Andrea Tandler (r) stands in her place in the courtroom at the start of the
The defendant Andrea Tandler (r) stands in her place in the courtroom at the start of the trial.

Process - Court pronounces judgment against Tandler

In the tax trial against the politician's daughter Andrea Tandler in connection with the affair with corona protective masks, the Munich I Regional Court will announce the verdict today (9.00 a.m.). Tandler faces at least four years and three months in prison, her co-defendant business partner N. at least three and a half years. This was the result of an agreement between the court and the parties to the proceedings announced on Tuesday.

Tandler is the daughter of former CSU General Secretary and former Bavarian Finance, Economics and Interior Minister Gerold Tandler. At the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, she brokered deals with various federal and state authorities on behalf of a Swiss mask supplier. Commission payments of almost 50 million euros were made for this - which is legal in itself.

However, the public prosecutor's office accuses Tandler and N. of not having correctly paid tax on the commissions and thus making themselves liable to prosecution. At the end of the proceedings, the public prosecutor's office put the total economic loss at 7.8 million euros.

In the end, the two defendants largely admitted the tax evasion charges against them through their defense lawyers. In addition, both have paid the tax damages incurred.

Specifically, Tandler faces a sentence of four years and three months to four years and nine months. For N., the presiding judge Andrea Wagner gave a sentence range of three years and six months to four years. In their plea, the public prosecutor's office demanded a sentence at the upper end of the sentencing range, while the defense lawyers pleaded for sentences at the lower end.

The arrest warrants against the two defendants could be suspended on Friday - the public prosecutor's office also agreed to the court's proposal. This would mean that both would be released after around eleven months in pre-trial detention. Tandler, who suffers from health problems, will then probably have to undergo another operation, according to her lawyer.

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