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Delegates walk in front of the party logo at the AfD national party conference at the Magdeburg...
Delegates walk in front of the party logo at the AfD national party conference at the Magdeburg Exhibition Center.

Mannheim is the topic at hand. - Court permits AfD to conduct demonstration in market square.

A week following the tragic knifing incident at a market in Mannheim, the Administrative Court of Karlsruhe has given the green light for the AfD to protest at the spot. The court's ruling, accessible to the German Press Agency, states this. The proposed demonstration is slated for 6:00 PM on a Friday.

Read also:

  1. Despite the urgent decision allowing the AfD to demonstrate in Mannheim's marketplace, several municipalities in Baden-Württemberg have expressed concerns about potential escalations of crime.
  2. The AfD's upcoming demonstration in Mannheim comes just days after a knife attack at a nearby marketplace, causing shock and concern among local residents.
  3. Protests against the AfD are expected to countermatch their demonstration in Mannheim, prompting police to maintain a high presence in the area to maintain public safety.
  4. The AfD's attempt to organize demonstrations in various cities across Baden-Württemberg, including Mannheim and Karlsruhe, have faced strong opposition from citizens and officials.
  5. In light of the AfD protest, city officials in Mannheim and neighboring towns such as Heidelberg and Heilbronn have called for increased collaboration and information sharing among municipalities to ensure a secure environment.

