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Court of Auditors criticizes subsidies and lack of control

In its 2023 annual report, the Saxon Court of Audit criticized the handling of taxpayers' money in several cases and identified control deficiencies. At the same time, parts of the financial policy and the increase in the number of state employees were criticized. In a special report, the...


Finances - Court of Auditors criticizes subsidies and lack of control

In its 2023 annual report, the Saxon Court of Audit criticized the handling of taxpayers' money in several cases and identified control deficiencies. At the same time, parts of the financial policy and the increase in the number of state employees were criticized. In a special report, the auditors gave the Ministry of Social Affairs poor marks for the implementation of a funding guideline for refugee integration measures.

It had already become known in the summer that the Court of Auditors had found "numerous signs of improper conduct" and "structures at risk of corruption" in an audit report on the allocation of funds in the Ministry of Social Affairs. Minister Petra Köpping (SPD) then announced changes to the allocation guidelines and dismissed her State Secretary Sebastian Vogel.

Following the publication of the annual report on Thursday, Köpping rejected allegations of legal violations due to conflicts of interest and bias. "We did the right thing. But we didn't always do it right. We have learned from this, taken action and drawn extensive consequences," emphasized the Minister. The new funding guidelines are already in force. However, the Court of Audit is not yet completely satisfied with it.

Read also:

  1. Despite the Minister of Social Affairs, Petra Köpping, implementing changes and dismissing her State Secretary after criticisms from the Court of Auditors in their annual report, the auditors are not completely satisfied with the new funding guidelines for refugee integration measures.
  2. The Saxon Court of Auditors, in its 2023 annual report, criticized the handling of taxpayers' money in several cases and identified control deficiencies, including parts of the financial policy and the increase in the number of state employees.
  3. Authorities in Dresden, Saxony, are under scrutiny as the Court of Auditors found "numerous signs of improper conduct" and "structures at risk of corruption" in an audit report on the allocation of funds within the Ministry of Social Affairs.
  4. In response to allegations of legal violations due to conflicts of interest and bias following the publication of the annual report, Minister Petra Köpping emphasized that they did the right thing but not always correctly, and changes were made and consequences drawn.




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