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Court of Auditors: 2024 requires budgeting in "crisis mode"

Once again, the top auditors are urging people to save money. The Court of Audit sees opportunities for more efficient administration in digitalization. But there is still some catching up to do in this area.

Many euro banknotes are in a wallet.
Many euro banknotes are in a wallet.

Cash audit - Court of Auditors: 2024 requires budgeting in "crisis mode"

According to the Hessian State Court of Audit, "budgeting in crisis mode" will also be necessary in the coming year. "This applies to all state and municipal levels," explained President Walter Wallmann at the presentation of the annual report on state finances 2022 in Wiesbaden on Friday. According to his forecast for the coming year, falling revenue will be offset by higher expenditure.

"We must clearly prioritize and ask ourselves what we can still afford at the moment," warned Wallmann. Desirable and sensible projects would probably have to take a back seat for the time being.

However, major transformation processes cannot wait, explained the President. In addition to climate protection and the energy transition, this also applies to digitalization. Many audits by the State Court of Auditors have revealed a slow pace of digitalization in the state administration. "In addition to avoidable costs for the state, this also results in additional bureaucracy for citizens and companies."

Partly due to the shortage of skilled workers, the state must deploy its staff more efficiently in future, Wallmann demanded. "This means that essential government tasks must be carried out with fewer staff. This is not possible without digitalization and a reduction in bureaucracy."

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