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Court of Arbitration for Sport acquits basketball player Jallow

Surprising turnaround in the Jallow case: the basketball player has been acquitted by the Court of Arbitration for Sport. However, the case is not yet over. NADA is considering an appeal.

Ulm's Karim Jallow throws the ball.
Ulm's Karim Jallow throws the ball.

Basketball Bundesliga - Court of Arbitration for Sport acquits basketball player Jallow

National basketball player Karim Jallow has been acquitted by the German Court of Arbitration for Sport (DIS) of the accusation of three missed doping tests. The arbitration claim against the professional from German champions ratiopharm Ulm for a possible violation of Art. 2.4 of the Anti-Doping Code was dismissed, as announced by the German National Anti-Doping Agency (NADA).

However, the case is not yet closed. NADA intends to examine the DIS's reasoning as soon as it is available. "NADA reserves the right to appeal to the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS)," the statement said. NADA had initiated proceedings against Jallow for three reporting and testing failures in the 2021/22 season. If convicted, the winger would have faced a two-year ban, which can be reduced to one year depending on the degree of culpability.

Jallow had denied the allegations. The 26-year-old had signed out of the test pool, presumably out of anger at the accusations. This would mean that he could not be a candidate for next summer's Olympic Games in Paris. Only players who are listed in the so-called Adams App (Anti-Doping Administration and Management System) can also play for the national team.

Nada announcement Jallow profile on BBL homepage

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