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Court authorizes dissolution of Alex Jones' financial holdings

In the United States, a court sanctions the liquidation of assets belonging to notorious ultra-right conspiracy theorist Alex Jones. On a court ruling last Friday, a judge at a bankruptcy court in Houston, Texas authorized the personal bankruptcy process of Jones, who was ordered to pay vast...

Alex Jones
Alex Jones

Court authorizes dissolution of Alex Jones' financial holdings

From the ruling, it's clear that Jones is required to sell a property worth around 2.8 million Dollars (approximately 2.6 million Euros), along with other assets. However, properties like Jones' personal home near Austin, the Texan capital, seem exempt from the liquidation. As per the most recent court documents, Jones' personal wealth is approximately nine million Dollars.

Jones, the radio host and founder of "Infowars", was found guilty in 2022 for spreading false information about the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School tragedy, which claimed the lives of 26 individuals. He is obligated to pay damages totaling close to 1.5 billion Dollars (over 1.4 billion Euros) to many parents who lost their children in the incident.

Jones had persistently argued that the Sandy Hook shooting in the town of Newtown, Connecticut, was non-existent. Instead, he suggested it was a fabricated incident, orchestrated to tighten gun regulations.

Jones wields substantial power in conservative circles and has made significant income peddling conspiracy theories, primarily through the distribution of supplements and bulletproof vests. Jones is a known supporter of former U.S. President Donald Trump.

The court decision left unanswered questions about whether Jones' companies will be disbanded and if he'll lose control over them. Prior to the ruling, Jones informed reporters that this could very well mean "the swift end of Infowars". He also said that his "struggle against tyranny" was just getting started. On the "Infowars" website, it was announced on Friday that this might be its final broadcast.

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