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Coup attempt in Bolivia: President Arce denies orchestration

Bolivian President Luis Arce has denied that the thwarted coup attempt against him was staged. "How can you order or carry out a coup against yourself?" he said on Thursday (local time) at his first press conference since the attempted coup. General Juan José Zúñiga had acted on his own...

Luis Arce
Luis Arce

Coup attempt in Bolivia: President Arce denies orchestration

Previously, the arrested and ousted Army Chief Zuñiga had stated that President Arce had asked him to stage a coup to improve his own approval ratings. Presidential Advisor Maria Nela Prada rejected this depiction as "absolutely false."

On a Wednesday, soldiers advanced to the Presidential Palace with several tanks. Army Chief Zuñiga stated that the military intended to "restructure democracy" to make it a "true democracy." After approximately five hours, the soldiers eventually withdrew, as observed by AFP reporters.

Zuñiga was arrested shortly thereafter and taken away in a police vehicle, as shown in footage from the state television. Additionally, 16 alleged accomplices were arrested, including Marine Chief Juan Arnez Salvador. They now face up to 20 years in prison for terrorism and armed rebellion. Their positions were filled by Arce.

According to official reports, 14 civilians who opposed the coup attempt were injured by buckshot. Some were admitted to the hospital and underwent surgery, as per President Arce.

Politically unstable and weakened by a power struggle between Arce and his former mentor, ex-President Evo Morales, Bolivia is also grappling with economic problems due to decreased gas production.

The thwarted coup was described as the "symptom of significant and widespread dissatisfaction" in the country by Gustavo Flores-Macías, a Politics Professor at Cornell University in the US state of New York, speaking to news agency AFP. Arce's government is very weak. It remains to be seen which dynamics the dissatisfaction in the military will develop.

  1. The accusation of requesting a coup attempt by President Arce was vigorously denied by his presidential advisor, Maria Nela Prada, labeling it as completely false.
  2. Despite the denial, Army Chief Zuñiga asserted that the military's intention was to "restructure democracy" and make it a "true democracy" during the coup attempt.
  3. Upon the withdrawal of the soldiers, Luis Arce, the current President of Bolivia, filled the vacant positions left by those arrested, including the former Marine Chief, Juan Arnez Salvador, who faced charges related to terrorism and armed rebellion.
  4. Bolivia, already hindered by political instability, a power struggle between Arce and Evo Morales, and economic problems due to reduced gas production, faced another challenge in the form of a coup attempt, which was ultimately thwarted.
  5. The coup attempt saw several civilians injured, with 14 reportedly injured by buckshot, leading to some civilians requiring hospitalization and surgery as per the President's statement.
  6. In the aftermath of the coup attempt, the Prada-led government, which has been being criticized for its weakness, grapples with the potential development of dissatisfaction within the military, as suggested by Politics Professor Gustavo Flores-Macías.

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