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County Assembly: Majorities can exist without extremists

Hans-Günter Henneke, Managing Director of the German Association of Districts (DLT), remains unenthused after the local and district council elections in Thuringia. In an interview with the German Press Agency on Monday, he stated: "Despite the elections, all districts and independent cities...

Briefwahlumschläge für die Kommunalwahl liegen im Rathaus Hildburghausen zur Auszählung bereit....
Briefwahlumschläge für die Kommunalwahl liegen im Rathaus Hildburghausen zur Auszählung bereit. Gewählt werden 17 Kreistage, Stadträte und Oberbürgermeister in den 5 kreisfreien Städten und Landräte in 13 Landkreisen, dazu kommen die Wahlen für 600 Stadt- und Gemeinderäte.

Regional polls upcoming - County Assembly: Majorities can exist without extremists

In the upcoming district council elections, Henneke made it clear that there will be a run-off vote in all 12 districts where the possibility of a run-off vote existed, as per the rules. He further predicted that the six incumbents, who need to participate in the run-off vote, have a good chance of winning, as they have a considerable lead in five of these districts. For the remaining six districts where the district councils resigned, there will be five run-off elections between the top candidates from the CDU and the AfD.

Out of the 13 AfD candidates, nine managed to make it into the run-off election or were close to it, mostly against CDU candidates. The AfD was in front in the Altenburger Land district in eastern Thuringia. However, some of their candidates underperformed compared to other parties. The performance of a neo-Nazi in the district council election in Hildburghausen grabbed attention - Tommy Frenck made it to the run-off election with 24.9% of the votes.

In Hildburghausen, the director of DLT commented on the unusual situation, saying, "The CDU did not make it into the run-off election with the slogan 'March separately, lose together.'" Here, a candidate from the Free Voters had a clear lead in the first round and was expected to emerge victorious, as per the prediction.

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