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Count winter birds: Nature conservation association calls for participation

Many bird species in Berlin migrate south in winter. Some, however, stay - plus guests from northern and eastern Europe. A counting campaign aims to provide new insights into Berlin's world of winter birds.

Knowledge of species - Count winter birds: Nature conservation association calls for participation

Birdwatchers in Berlin and Brandenburg are once again called upon to count sparrows, blackbirds and the like in January. The nationwide participatory campaign "Winter Bird Hour" is an initiative of the Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (Nabu) and the Bavarian State Association for Bird and Nature Conservation and runs from January 5 to 7. Participants are asked to count birds for an hour in the park, in the garden or outside the window and report their sightings to Nabu.

On Saturday and Sunday, Nabu is offering walks and excursions for children and adults in the capital and in some places in Brandenburg, where people can count birds together. All events are free of charge. Those interested should not forget binoculars for the walks, according to Nabu in Brandenburg.

The campaign offers the opportunity to improve your knowledge of species, said Lars Sund, species conservation officer at Nabu Berlin. "In addition, the data collected during the campaign helps us to learn more about our birdlife in Berlin," explained Sund. This contributes to nature conservation.

The census is being carried out for the 14th time. Last year, according to Nabu Berlin, around 3600 people in the capital took part. The most frequently sighted birds were the house sparrow, the great tit and the wood pigeon.

Nabu Berlin on the Hour of the Winter Birds Registration options Joint Nabu counting campaigns in Berlin Nabu Brandenburg with dates and walks for the winter bird counting campaign

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