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Counseling center deplores racism against Muslims in schools

Since the Hamas terror attack on Israel, many people have complained about an increase in anti-Semitism in Berlin. Now a counseling center is pointing out another type of racism that is also affecting schools.

Chairs are placed on the desks in an elementary school
Chairs are placed on the desks in an elementary school

Counseling center deplores racism against Muslims in schools

Following the terrorist attack by Hamas in Israel and the Middle East war, the Berlin contact point for protection against discrimination in schools is complaining of an increase in racism against Muslims. People of Arab or Turkish origin and the Muslim community in general often feel under general suspicion of supporting terror, said head Aliyeh Yegane Arani to the German Press Agency.

The events had exacerbated this long-standing problem, which is just as serious as anti-Semitism. "We have a high reporting rate of racist incidents against people who are Muslims or are perceived as such."

This also affects schools. "There is a great deal of uncertainty among teachers as to how they should deal with the Middle East conflict," said Yegane Arani. Following the attack on Israel by the Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas on 7 October, which left around 1,200 people dead, the uncertainty has increased even further. According to reports from parents, some teachers reacted excessively when pupils painted a Palestinian flag on their hand or wore a Palestinian scarf.

The pedagogical handling of certain statements, which are more of an emotional nature than an expression of a firm political stance, also sometimes leaves something to be desired and lacks empathy. In addition, Muslim pupils, especially boys, are classified by some teachers as potentially more aggressive from the outset. "They are punished more often and more severely."

In this context, Yegane Arani called for more training for teachers. "They need to be put in a better position to deal with increasing diversity, including religious diversity, and with problems such as anti-Semitism, racism and discrimination," said the expert.

She also wanted to present her concerns to Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier on Thursday. Yegane Arani was invited by the head of state together with other people to Bellevue Palace for a round table entitled "Conflict in the classroom - the war in the Middle East and our schools".

"I welcome the fact that the Federal President is trying to form his own opinion," said Yegane Arani. "I hope that he will once again send out a clear signal against the divisive tendencies that we are seeing in Germany."

The contact point for protection against discrimination at schools primarily offers parents and pupils support in the event of discriminatory incidents of any kind. It is run by the non-profit organization LIFE - Bildung Umwelt Chancengleichheit.

Following the rounds of discussions, Yegane Arani plans to raise her concerns about rising racism against Muslims in schools to Federal President Steinmeier. The escalating conflicts in Middle East, particularly the attacks by Hamas, have led to an increase in racism towards Muslims in schools, affecting both Muslim students and teachers dealing with the sensitive issue.




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