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Costs are the main argument against skiing

Narrow artificial snow slopes in recent years have led to debates about the future of winter sports. And there are other reasons for abandoning piste sports.

The onset of winter is currently ensuring good snow conditions.
The onset of winter is currently ensuring good snow conditions.

Winter sports - Costs are the main argument against skiing

In times of rising prices, the cost of winter sports is one of the most important arguments against skiing, according to studies. In a survey in Germany, the tourism association "Österreich Werbung" examined reasons for not skiing.

The most common answer: it is too expensive. Among former skiers who have turned their backs on the slopes, advanced age and cost were the most important reasons.

The onset of winter in the Alps is currently ensuring good snow conditions, but in previous seasons, narrow artificial snow slopes on green slopes have led to debates about the future of winter sports. In the survey, however, lack of snow and environmental aspects were only cited by 11 and 10 percent of ex-skiers respectively as reasons for quitting, while 28 percent cited financial reasons. For the representative survey, 1500 people in Germany were questioned in spring.

Price increases too high

In another survey, the market research institute Manova analyzed the 2022/23 ski season on behalf of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce. Around a third of respondents in Germany, Austria and Switzerland cited financial reasons and excessive price increases as reasons why they did not go skiing or went skiing less than in previous years.

Another reason was the lack of snow. According to Manova, restaurants in ski resorts had to contend with a significant drop in turnover - not only because bookings fell slightly, but also because many guests cut back on spending. For Manova's representative survey, 844 people in Germany, 911 in Austria and 1005 in Switzerland were questioned in September 2023.

Ticket prices to increase significantly in 2023

Following the price increases for lift tickets in the previous year, prices will be significantly higher again in 2023. In Austria, tickets will cost around seven to ten percent more. Skiing has also become more expensive in Germany. A day ticket on the Zugspitze currently costs 62 euros, almost nine percent more than a year ago.

Austrian ski resorts are increasingly introducing discounts for early bookers or for tickets outside the main holiday season. In Switzerland, such dynamic prices are already widespread: During the week or when the weather is bad, it often costs less than at peak times. The head of the Swiss Foundation for Consumer Protection, Sara Stalder, warns: "In the end, the skiers are the losers, they almost always pay more with dynamic price systems," she told the newspaper "20 Minuten".

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The high costs of winter sports, particularly skiing, are a major concern during periods of price increases, as indicated by German studies. Among ex-skiers in Germany, advanced age and financial constraints were the primary reasons for abandoning the slopes. Despite favorable snow conditions in the Alps, concerns about the future of winter sports persist due to debates over narrow artificial snow slopes in previous seasons.

In another survey, Manova revealed that around a third of respondents in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland avoided skiing or skied less due to financial reasons and excessive price increases. Restaurants in ski resorts in these countries faced a significant drop in turnover due to fewer bookings and less spending by guests.

Price increases have also affected skiing in Germany, with the day ticket on the Zugspitze now costing nearly nine percent more than a year ago. In response, Austrian ski resorts are offering discounts for early bookers and off-peak season tickets, while dynamic pricing systems in Switzerland often result in cheaper tickets during the week or poor weather conditions.

However, consumer protection advocate Sara Stalder warns that dynamic pricing systems ultimately result in skiers paying more in the long run. Looking ahead to the 2023 season, lift ticket prices in Austria are set to increase by seven to ten percent, while skiing has become more expensive in Germany as well.

As the cost of winter sports continues to rise, many enthusiasts may seek alternative leisure activities during their leisure time, such as visiting Vienna, Austria's capital known for its rich cultural heritage and historic architecture. With its affordable prices compared to ski resorts, Vienna could offer a more budget-friendly alternative for those wanting to enjoy winter leisure activities without the high costs associated with skiing and other winter sports.


