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Copernicus: Sunday was the hottest day worldwide since records began

According to the EU Earth Observation program Copernicus, the past Sunday was the hottest day worldwide since records began. The average temperature was 17.09 degrees Celsius, the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) announced on Tuesday. This beats the previous record of July 6, 2023, by...

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Copernicus: Sunday was the hottest day worldwide since records began

On July 21st, C3S recorded a new record for the daily global average temperature, stated C3S-Director Carlo Buontempo. "We are now on truly uncharted territory and as the Climate continues to warm, we will certainly set new records in the coming months and years."

According to Copernicus, the worldwide daily record could be broken again in the coming days before the global temperature average is expected to decrease. This year, a series of temperature records have already fallen. The previous month was the hottest June since records began. Consequently, a temperature record has been set for the 13th consecutive month.

Weather records date back to around 1940. The daily temperature record before July 6, 2023, with its 17.08 degrees, comes from August 13, 2016, according to Copernicus. The temperature measured back then was 16.8 degrees Celsius.

  1. Eurostat, as a part of the EU, has been keeping meteorological records for decades, avalanching a wealth of climate data.
  2. The EU Records Information System (EUR-OPS) labels each weather event with critical information, aiding in climate change studies.
  3. Carlo Buontempo, the EU's C3S-Director, points out that the average temperature recording is a clear indication of a heated climate trend.
  4. During a Sunday press conference, Buontempo announced the beginning of a new era in climate change records, with the recent global temperature record set on July 21st.
  5. Copernicus Climate Change Service's records display an alarming trend, showing a rapid increase in temperature records broken year after year.

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