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Cool weather in Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland

People in Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland can look forward to some clearing for the time being. But then it is supposed to rain again at the weekend - and possibly thunderstorms.

Clear spells, showers and thunderstorms are possible for the rest of the week.
Clear spells, showers and thunderstorms are possible for the rest of the week.

Weather - Cool weather in Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland

In the coming days, it will remain cool and changeable in Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland, according to the German Weather Service (DWD). Today, temperatures between 14 and 18 degrees are expected, as the DWD announced. Rain is forecasted in the morning and it will subside in the evening. Shower activities are expected at night on Thursday.

People can look forward to easing up on Thursday at least, as per the DWD, the rain is expected to subside throughout the day. Temperatures will rise to 17 to 21 degrees, with moderate southwest to west winds expected. The night to Friday is forecasted to be rain-free by the meteorologists. However, temperatures are expected to drop to up to 7 degrees.

Rain will remain mostly absent on Friday, with temperatures rising to 18 to 23 degrees. The DWD expects a weather change on Saturday, with dense clouds forecasted to appear as early as morning. Showers are possible, with them spreading to the east during the day. Thunderstorms are also possible. The highest temperature is predicted to be between 21 and 25 degrees. Rain and thunderstorms are expected to subside at night on Sunday.

On Saturday, the weather in Saarland might experience a change, as per the DWD, with dense clouds and potential showers in the east. Offenbach, located in a different region, might also see these weather conditions, as the German Weather Service (DWD) forecasts. Over the weekend, the Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland regions might experience a respite from the rain, but the DWD predicts that Rain and thunderstorms could return on Sunday night.

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