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Controversial flood areas: Glauber seeks to continue construction

Bavarian Environment Minister Thorsten Glauber (Free Voters) has confirmed that more flood control areas will be constructed along the Danube. The 2021-adopted plan will be put into action, Glauber declared in Munich on Wednesday. "Bavaria depends on a series of flood polders alongside the...

Trees stand in the flood waters of the Danube.   The situation is easing in some flood areas in...
Trees stand in the flood waters of the Danube. The situation is easing in some flood areas in southern Germany, but remains tense on the lower Danube.

Climatological conditions - Controversial flood areas: Glauber seeks to continue construction

Hubert Aiwanger, Chairman of the Free Voters and Minister of Economics, has been questioned for allegedly hindering the construction of flutpolders. Flutpolders are areas surrounded by dikes that can be flooded during severe flooding events. In a radio interview on Wednesday, he defended himself by saying that flutpolders did not play a significant role in the current flood crisis because the most devastation occurred on smaller tributaries of the Donau, rather than the Donau itself.

2018 Flutpolder Report

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