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Controversial Debate Over Drug Consumption Rooms: Lifesaver or Impediment?

Drug users can engage in consumption within secure facilities in Frankfurt, a practice that initiated 30 years ago and remains a contentious issue today. The primary challenge: The landscape has undergone significant transformation. What steps are necessary?

For three decades, individuals battling drug addiction in Frankfurt have had access to safe...
For three decades, individuals battling drug addiction in Frankfurt have had access to safe consumption areas.

- Controversial Debate Over Drug Consumption Rooms: Lifesaver or Impediment?

Thirty years past the inauguration of Germany's initial authorized drug consumption site in Frankfurt, the city experiences a sense of isolation. Almost half of German states lack such facilities, and Frankfurt alone hosts them in Hesse. Operators laud it as a success story, while critics brand it a failure. Elke Voitl (Greens), the responsible official, aims to reform the offering due to the transformation of the drug scene.

The "Eastside" opened in an industrial zone in Fechenheim district in December 1994, followed by three more sites around the main station. The largest is on Niddastraße, operated by the Integrative Drug Help, recording over 60,000 monitored consumption events, 200,000 used syringes, and exchanging 300,000 old needles with new ones last year. The AIDS Help manages "La Strada" on Mainzer Landstraße, while the Drug Emergency Service operates the fourth site on Elbestraße.

A Perspective on Consumption Rooms

Gabi Becker, managing director of Integrative Drug Help, views Frankfurt's thirty-year journey with consumption rooms as a success story, primarily driven by survival. The "Frankfurt model" has indeed shown progress, decreasing drug-related fatalities from 147 in 1991 to 20 in 2022 within the city. Despite this, there's a national increase in such deaths – from 944 in 2012 to 2,227 in 2022.

Professor Heino Stöver, Institute for Addiction Research's director at Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, believes consumption rooms serve two main purposes. Politically, it aims to reduce deaths and diseases, reaching out to help. In terms of public order, it seeks to relocate drug consumption from public spaces.

Crack Conundrum

An inspection of Niddastraße reveals that consumption rooms do not necessarily relocate users. The operators attribute this to the shift in dominant drugs - from heroin addicts with syringes three decades ago to today's crack issues.

"Crack is openly smoked on the street in short intervals," asserts Health and Social Affairs Commissioner Voitl. "The craving increases." Addicts constantly seek new drugs, exhibit restlessness, aggression, and often dislike enclosed spaces.

Voitl insists on the need for adaptations rather than considering the "Frankfurt model" as a failure. "We must create suitable settings," she comments. "Our drug consumption rooms should serve agitated crack users better than currently." This might involve fewer injection spots and more smoking areas. Additionally, a separate building is sought – the city seeks properties for an Integrated Drug and Addiction Help Center with an inner courtyard for crack consumption.

The Bahnhofsviertel initiative has minimal hope for success. "The 'Frankfurt model' failed with crack," asserts spokesman Ralph Haerth. "Crack users cannot be reached by consumption rooms. Crack is consumed on the street." Property owners also face challenges, with tenancies becoming fewer, and some owners even covering security costs.

The unfortunate addicts, Haerth acknowledges, but Frankfurt becomes a "paradise for users." "They get their fix and consume peacefully later." He lacks a definitive solution but expresses little optimism, mentioning the failure of past efforts to relocate addicts from the streets.

Frankfurt, a solitary island

Frankfurt is the only destination for consumption rooms in Hesse. The nearest alternatives in Bonn and Karlsruhe exist far away. Out of Germany's eight federal states, approximately 30 drug consumption rooms operate in eight. The remaining eight, including Bavaria, lack these services entirely.

Frankfurt feels burdened with the problem. "Frankfurt provides drug help for all of Hesse and half of Bavaria, at the expense of the municipal budget," remarks Voitl. She advocates for Hesse municipalities to contribute more and the state to take charge and coordinate.

Over half of the clients reside outside Frankfurt

The Institute for Addiction Research examines the data and reveals that only 44% of clients are Frankfurt residents. 29% originate from elsewhere in Hesse, and approximately 30% of users at the four Frankfurt facilities are the heroin addicts with syringes conventional users imagine.

The claim of consumption rooms luring addicts to the city is "incorrect," reveals Voitl. "The trade is thriving – that's why people come." Addicts reside elsewhere too, but "others allow deaths to occur."

Hesse's cities exercise caution

Marburg had proposed a consumption room concept in 2007, which the city initially supported and even offered funds. However, the project faced significant skepticism during preparation, and no concrete plans for its establishment were made since then.

Darmstadt's pondering the idea. According to a city representative, "There's been a conceptual and political examination if creating a drug consumption space in Darmstadt would be wise. This process isn't finalized just yet." Concerning Kassel, they've been taking care of drug users through street outreach. As of now, they haven't considered setting up a fixed drug consumption room, a city spokesperson clarified.

The shift in dominant drugs, from heroin addicts with syringes to crack issues, has led to crack being openly smoked on the streets in short intervals, as mentioned by Health and Social Affairs Commissioner Voitl. This constant seeking of new drugs by addicts often results in restlessness, aggression, and a dislike for enclosed spaces, making it challenging to relocate drug consumption to designated spots.

Voitl recognizes the need for adaptations rather than labeling the "Frankfurt model" as a failure. She suggests creating suitable settings for agitated crack users, such as fewer injection spots and more smoking areas, as well as seeking properties for an Integrated Drug and Addiction Help Center with an inner courtyard for crack consumption.

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