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Controls: Registration violations for foreign vehicles

A police officer stands between two police
A police officer stands between two police

Controls: Registration violations for foreign vehicles

In northern Hesse, police and customs are working together to combat registration violations involving foreign vehicles. In the past, more and more vehicles have been found in the region that have retained their foreign registration over a longer period of time, even though their users have a permanent residence in Germany, the main customs office in Giessen and the police headquarters in North Hesse announced on Wednesday. They now want to counteract this with joint patrol teams.

More than 60 vehicles have already been detected during two days of checks in the city of Kassel alone. Further violations, in particular of the Narcotics Act and the Compulsory Insurance Act, as well as forgery of documents, driving without a license or under the influence of intoxicants, were also punished.

The reasons for using vehicles with foreign registrations within Germany are varied, according to the press release. "In addition to the lower costs to be paid for vehicle tax and insurance in most cases, not all vehicles comply with the vehicle registration regulations applicable here," it said. Violations committed in Germany could only be punished at great expense or not at all.

Whether the vehicles have current, valid insurance can also only be determined with increased effort. "Of course, the German authorities are not informed if the insurance for these vehicles is no longer valid. In the event of a traffic accident, this can lead to the other party being left with the costs."


