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Continuous rain leads to increasing water levels, triggering the first disaster.

Extreme continuous rain is being warned of by meteorologists. Bavaria, Swabia, and Upper Bavaria are the hardest hit regions. In the evening, the rivers' water levels rise, leading to a state of emergency in one district.

A meadow in front of Gleusdorf Castle is under water.
A meadow in front of Gleusdorf Castle is under water.

The regions of Swabia and Upper Bavaria are highlighted. - Continuous rain leads to increasing water levels, triggering the first disaster.

Water levels are quickly rising in western Bavaria. Intense, nonstop rainfall has prompted the Günzburg region to declare a disaster on Friday night. This action will help to better support affected cities and towns, the district administration explained. Resources from across the district are needed to manage the situation. The region is in contact with local municipalities, fire departments, and the THW.

Leipheim, found within the district, has deactivated the Donau-Waterworks as a safety measure. Authorities are also coordinating with emergency services in other areas.

Heavy rainfall is predicted until Sunday, impacting Schwaben and Upper Bavaria. The German Weather Service (DWD) has released heavy rain warnings for both regions. According to forecasts, there will be "extremely heavy continuous rain" at level 4 of 4. This weather condition poses an "imminent danger to life and limb." Other parts of Franconia and the Upper Palatinate are expected to experience significant rain and thunderstorms on Saturday.

In response, a number of areas are taking action. Evacuations are imminent at camping and recreation spots along the Günz, Kammel, and Mindel rivers in Günzburg. District Administrator Hans Reichhart (CSU) emphasized the severity of the situation: "We take this extremely seriously." The Günzburg district is currently filling an extra 15,000 sandbags. The Water Management Office expects a one-hundred-year flood in certain places.

Holger Koenig of the Neu-Ulm district administration mentioned that the crisis management team met, but a disaster has not yet been declared. There is still a medium flood level, so they are closely monitoring developments. The prediction is that by Saturday morning, the water levels in Neu-Ulm will rise and reach level 4, perhaps even a one-hundred-year flood. Emergency services are prepared and can be deployed quickly.

In other districts, such as Unterallgäu, water levels are also increasing. There might be level 3 at Günz and Mindel by Saturday night, with an even higher level of 4 quite likely.

Bavaria's Environment Minister, Thorsten Glauber (Free Voters), referenced the flood warning service (HND). HND experts predict that the Donau at the Kelheim gauge will reach up to a level 3 on Saturday. There will also be a potential for flooding in the Unterallgäu district. On the HND's pages, citizens can stay updated on developments. Glauber noted: "We're keeping a close eye on the situation across Bavaria." The authorities work together to identify potential flood hazards in a timely manner.

Emergency services and rescue teams are ready to help with any issues related to flooding. The Water Rescue Service of the Bavarian Red Cross (BRK) and the German Life-Saving Society (DLRG) are prepared with their teams.

Officials in Regensburg are planning to deploy mobile flood protection along the Danube in various areas, including near the historic sausage kitchen. The water levels could potentially reach 2 (4.50 meters) and 3 (5.00 meters) on Sunday.

The Danube ferry between Mariaposching (District of Straubing-Bogen) and Stephansposching (District of Deggendorf) will be suspended from Saturday to at least Monday.

Residents in various districts must prepare for potential flooding. In Kitzingen, Miesbach, Landshut, and Bamberg, officials are encouraging people to consider identifying ways to help others in their community, if necessary. Those in Günzburg are told to avoid water bodies and obey the guidelines of emergency services. In flooded areas, people should anticipate power outages. To cope with these circumstances, residents should stockpile food, avoid basement dwelling, and turn off constantly running electrical appliances.

Leipheim's mayor, Christian Konrad, recommends Leipheim residents stock up on mineral water since the drinking water supply may need to be shut down.

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The Günzburg region, located in Swabia, is currently dealing with a disaster due to rising water levels. The continuous rain has triggered this event, classified as the 'Flood of the century' by authorities. The Mindel river, one of the affected rivers, is causing significant concern.

The district administration is mobilizing resources to manage the situation, reaching out to local municipalities, fire departments, and the THW for assistance. Leipheim, a city within the district, has taken safety measures by deactivating the Donau-Waterworks.

According to the German Weather Service (DWD), heavy rain is predicted until Sunday, with level 4 of 4 continuous rain expected, posing an "imminent danger to life and limb." The Günzburg district is filling additional sandbags and expects a one-hundred-year flood in certain areas.

Bavaria's Environment Minister, Thorsten Glauber, has referred to the flood warning service (HND) and warned of potential flooding in various districts, including Unterallgäu. Emergency services, such as the Water Rescue Service of the Bavarian Red Cross (BRK) and the German Life-Saving Society (DLRG), are ready to assist.

Officials in Regensburg are planning to deploy mobile flood protection along the Danube, while the Danube ferry service between Mariaposching and Stephansposching will be suspended. Residents in various districts, including Günzburg, are being encouraged to prepare for potential flooding by stockpiling food, avoiding water bodies, and turning off constantly running electrical appliances.

Mayor Christian Konrad of Leipheim recommends residents stock up on mineral water due to potential disruptions in the drinking water supply. The continuous rain and rising water levels have led to evacuations at camping and recreation spots along the Günz, Kammel, and Mindel rivers.

Authorities are closely monitoring developments in the Neu-Ulm district, where water levels are predicted to rise significantly by Saturday morning, potentially reaching level 4. In other districts, such as Unterallgäu, water levels are also increasing, with forecasts of level 3 or even level 4 by Saturday night.

The continuous rain and rising water levels have been a major concern throughout Bavaria and Swabia, prompting disaster declarations and preparations for potential flooding. The 'Flood of the century' in Günzburg is a reminder of the importance of being prepared and working together to handle such extreme weather events.



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