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Continuous rain causes Harz rivers to swell

Continuous rain is forecast for the coming days - rising water levels are expected on the rivers in the Harz region. According to the flood forecasting center in Magdeburg on Thursday, the rainfall in the Harz will total 60 to 90 liters per square meter by Sunday, and could even reach 100...

Heavy rain pelting down on a road during a thunderstorm.
Heavy rain pelting down on a road during a thunderstorm.

Saxony-Anhalt - Continuous rain causes Harz rivers to swell

Continuous rain is forecast for the coming days - rising water levels are expected on the rivers in the Harz region. According to the flood forecasting center in Magdeburg on Thursday, the amount of precipitation in the Harz will total 60 to 90 liters per square meter by Sunday, and could even reach 100 liters in some places.

The rainfall of the past few days had already caused the water levels of the Bode, its tributaries and the Ilse to rise. At the Tanne/Warme Bode gauge, the reference value for the reporting limit was exceeded early on Thursday morning. Alert level 1 was reached at the Ilsenburg gauge. There are signs of a further rise to alert level 2 of 4. Alert levels 1 and 2 could also be reached on the Holtemme.

At level 2, towns and municipalities set up a control service, from level 3 there is a permanent watch service and measures to defend the dyke are started. At level 4, there is a risk to the general public, the economy and the functionality of water management facilities.

Saxony-AnhaltFlood Forecasting Center

Read also:

  1. Despite the flood forecasting center in Magdeburg predicting continuous rain in Saxony-Anhalt, resulting in rising water levels on the rivers, the town of Magdeburg decided to continue their weekly river cruise on Sunday.
  2. The weather in Magdeburg has been unfavorable in recent days, leading to the swelling of the rivers in the Harz region, with the water level of the Bode and its tributaries approaching alert level 2.
  3. The flood forecasting center in Magdeburg warned that the upcoming heavy rainfall could elevate the water level of the Harz rivers to alarming levels, potentially reaching alert level 2 in some parts of the Rivers, such as the Holtemme.
  4. The flooding in Magdeburg has become increasingly concerning in recent days, with the water level of the Harz rivers approaching critical levels due to continuous rain, which may lead to a flood in the city if proper measures are not taken.
  5. With the water level of the Harz rivers expected to rise due to the heavy rainfall forecasted by the flood forecasting center in Magdeburg, the city of Magdeburg is urging its residents to take precautions and stay informed about any potential flood warnings during the extended period of bad weather.


