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Continuous rain and thunderstorms is forecasted by the weather service in the southeast region.

Southeastern regions brace for a weather extremity. Continuous rainfall and intense thunderstorms imminent in Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, and Thuringia.

Lightning discharges during a thunderstorm.
Lightning discharges during a thunderstorm.

Meteorological conditions - Continuous rain and thunderstorms is forecasted by the weather service in the southeast region.

Heavy rainfall and powerful thunderstorms are forecasted to hit regions in Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, and Thuringia, raising concerns for residents and emergency services. Cathleen Hickmann from the German Weather Service informed that affected areas might experience up to 100 liters of rain per meter per square during the weekend. While Saxony as a whole will experience the effects of this downpour, Eichsfeld in Thuringia, as well as Altmark and Magdeburg Börde in Saxony-Anhalt may likely escape the worst of it.

During thunderstorms, there's a risk of lightning strikes, uprooted trees, flash flooding in roads and underground tunnels, and, on rare occasions, hail. Additionally, drivers should be prepared for aquaplaning. Rivers are currently at a high water level, and the soil can hold no additional rain.

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