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Consumers give more for fair products

Fair trade products are generally more expensive. consumers spent more money on them last year than the year before. A product remains the sales champion.

On average, consumers in Germany paid 27.61 Euros per head for fairly traded food, textiles, and...
On average, consumers in Germany paid 27.61 Euros per head for fairly traded food, textiles, and handcrafted products in 2023.

Annual balance - Consumers give more for fair products

The business dealing in fairly traded products held its ground despite high Inflation and lower consumer demand last year. Fair trade has "solidly developed and once again proven its resilience for global justice", according to Matthias Fiedler, CEO of the Fair Trade Forum (FFH).

Consumers spent approximately 2.34 billion Euros on fairly traded products - an increase of 7.3% compared to the crisis year 2022, as per the FFH's Annual Report. Taking into account an average inflation rate of 6.3% in the previous year, this represents a slight sales increase, despite some sales declines.

On average, consumers in Germany spent 27.61 Euros per capita on fairly traded food, textiles, and handicrafts in 2023. The largest share of the sales went to food products, which accounted for 82% of the total sales. Textiles accounted for 9.5% of the sales, flowers for 5.9%, and other non-food products for an additional 2.5%.

Despite fewer sales: Coffee remains sales champion

Furthermore, roasted coffee remained the "uncontested champion" of fair trade with a market share of 38.6% in the total sales. The sales of fairly traded coffee increased by 16% in the previous year. Simultaneously, the report indicates that the sales of fairly traded coffee decreased by three percent. According to the FFH, less coffee was consumed in total in Germany in 2023. The general sales decline amounted to 1.5% compared to the record year 2022. The market share of fairly traded coffee in the total sales of roasted coffee was 5.5%. The world market prices for coffee were also relatively high in 2023, according to the FFH.

  1. Despite the high inflation and lower consumer demand affecting various foods and products, fairly traded coffee still managed to maintain a significant market share in Germany.
  2. The annual balance released by the Fair Trade Forum highlighted that even with an inflation rate of 6.3%, consumers in Germany continued to spend more on fairly traded foods, textiles, and handicrafts, reaching an average of 27.61 Euros per capita.
  3. Handel, a company known for its fair trade products, had to navigate the challenges of inflation and lower consumer demand last year, but it managed to maintain its presence in the German market, showing the resilience of fair trade businesses.

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