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Consumer advocates demand clarity on the Deutschlandticket

Everyone actually thinks that the 49-euro ticket for buses and trains is an attractive offer. But in the past year there has been constant wrangling between the federal and state governments over money. Will this continue?

Since May 1, the Deutschlandticket can be used on all local buses and trains.
Since May 1, the Deutschlandticket can be used on all local buses and trains.

Traffic - Consumer advocates demand clarity on the Deutschlandticket

The consumer associations are calling for clarity about the future of the Deutschlandticket and continue to warn against raising the price. The head of the federal association (vzbv), Ramona Pop, told the German Press Agency that the ticket was a real success. "Traveling by bus and train is finally easy nationwide. Many people are still convinced by the offer in principle." However, the wrangling over financing is unsettling passengers, and local authorities and districts are also suffering from the uncertainty. "The necessary planning security is missing."

Pop called for the federal and state governments to live up to their responsibilities and provide sufficient funding instead of passing the costs on to consumers. "If the price were to rise, the Deutschlandticket would become neither more attractive nor more reliable." The current price of 49 euros per month is already the pain threshold for many people. Since 1 May, the D-Ticket can be used on all local buses and trains - as a digitally bookable subscription that can be canceled monthly throughout Germany.

After a long dispute over possible additional costs, Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) and the federal states had agreed that unused subsidies from 2023 could be used in 2024. The transport ministers are to draw up a concept for implementing the ticket in the new year before 1 May 2024. The mandate includes a mechanism for updating the price, "which may also include an increase". The 49 euros are expressly regarded as an introductory price. According to an agreement from 2022, the federal and state governments will each contribute 1.5 billion euros in 2023 and 2024 to compensate for lost revenue for bus and rail operators.

Pop deplores "tariff jungle"

Consumer advocate Pop also said that it was not helpful that new ticket structures were constantly being created in the federal states around the Deutschlandticket. "This only creates a new fare jungle. Instead, a nationwide social ticket should be introduced."

Another annoyance is the ever-growing list of obstacles to the Deutschlandticket. "These include a lack of flexibility when purchasing and canceling, discriminatory credit checks and technical errors. Transport companies urgently need to make improvements here."

According to a survey commissioned by the association, 83% would welcome it if the D-Ticket could also be purchased for individual months and at ticket counters or ticket machines. Respondents were asked for their opinions regardless of whether they use the ticket themselves. According to the Eye Square Institute, 1,000 people aged 16 and over who use the Internet took part in the survey from November 13 to 20.

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